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Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:23

Titre du rp un peu long pour voir

Aorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque accumsan arcu eget lacus viverra, id venenatis massa aliquet. Nam pulvinar elit ut augue fermentum convallis. Aliquam pharetra, metus ac vulputate efficitur, felis nibh laoreet odio, quis suscipit lacus est vel mauris. Fusce cursus enim in vestibulum elementum. Vivamus pretium justo vitae elit porttitor, ac rhoncus nibh facilisis. Proin risus augue, elementum sit amet euismod sit amet, convallis a mauris. Donec felis nunc, vulputate in arcu a, facilisis lacinia metus. Nulla quis massa id metus tincidunt rhoncus. Pellentesque sodales urna nec tortor placerat, vel elementum quam convallis.Cras non justo tempus, aliquet odio cursus, aliquet leo. Maecenas pretium posuere ex, at convallis nunc posuere in. Sed sit amet massa eu ante lacinia ullamcorper non nec magna. In aliquet ipsum justo, a vulputate neque lobortis eget. Vestibulum pretium dapibus cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer vitae libero nisl. Nunc scelerisque in dui in posuere. Donec pellentesque placerat nunc ut dictum. Nunc in sagittis massa. Nullam vel sagittis eros.Ut non vestibulum purus. Nullam id rutrum magna, id gravida arcu. Aenean tincidunt libero erat, in blandit metus elementum ut. Donec id leo non lorem vulputate pulvinar. Pellentesque metus quam, convallis ut laoreet id, feugiat vitae turpis. Ut sed leo eros. Donec pellentesque placerat nunc ut dictum. Nunc in sagittis massa. Nullam vel sagittis eros.Ut non vestibulum purus. Nullam id rutrum magna, id gravida arcu. Aenean tincidunt libero erat, in blandit metus elementum ut. Donec id leo non lorem vulputate pulvinar. Pellentesque metus quam, convallis ut laoreet id, feugiat vitae turpis. Ut sed leo eros.

Pseudo & pseudo
artemis | www

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/><div class="fiche_rp_arte"><h2>Titre du rp un peu long pour voir</h2><p>Aorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque accumsan arcu eget lacus viverra, id venenatis massa aliquet. Nam pulvinar elit ut augue fermentum convallis. Aliquam pharetra, metus ac vulputate efficitur, felis nibh laoreet odio, quis suscipit lacus est vel mauris. Fusce cursus enim in vestibulum elementum. Vivamus pretium justo vitae elit porttitor, ac rhoncus nibh facilisis. Proin risus augue, elementum sit amet euismod sit amet, convallis a mauris. Donec felis nunc, vulputate in arcu a, facilisis lacinia metus. Nulla quis massa id metus tincidunt rhoncus. Pellentesque sodales urna nec tortor placerat, vel elementum quam convallis.Cras non justo tempus, aliquet odio cursus, aliquet leo. Maecenas pretium posuere ex, at convallis nunc posuere in. Sed sit amet massa eu ante lacinia ullamcorper non nec magna. In aliquet ipsum justo, a vulputate neque lobortis eget. Vestibulum pretium dapibus cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer vitae libero nisl. Nunc scelerisque in dui in posuere. Donec pellentesque placerat nunc ut dictum. Nunc in sagittis massa. Nullam vel sagittis eros.Ut non vestibulum purus. Nullam id rutrum magna, id gravida arcu. Aenean tincidunt libero erat, in blandit metus elementum ut. Donec id leo non lorem vulputate pulvinar. Pellentesque metus quam, convallis ut laoreet id, feugiat vitae turpis. Ut sed leo eros. Donec pellentesque placerat nunc ut dictum. Nunc in sagittis massa. Nullam vel sagittis eros.Ut non vestibulum purus. Nullam id rutrum magna, id gravida arcu. Aenean tincidunt libero erat, in blandit metus elementum ut. Donec id leo non lorem vulputate pulvinar. Pellentesque metus quam, convallis ut laoreet id, feugiat vitae turpis. Ut sed leo eros.</p><div>Pseudo & pseudo</div><span class="credits_arte">artemis | <a href="">www</a></span> </div>

<style>.fiche_rp_arte{width: 500px; height: 700px; background: url(; margin: auto; background-size: 100%; background-position: bottom center; text-align: center; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; padding-top: 90px; position: relative; overflow: hidden;}.fiche_rp_arte > h2{color:black; font: 11px georgia; background: white; width: 350px; margin: auto; margin-bottom: 2px; height: 25px; text-transform: lowercase; line-height: 25px; letter-spacing: 2px;}.fiche_rp_arte > p{width: 350px; height: 500px; background: white; margin: auto; overflow: auto; text-align: justify; font: 12px georgia; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 15px; line-height: none;}.fiche_rp_arte > p:first-letter{color: #070707; display: block; float: left; font-size: 80px; margin: -10px 15px 0 15px;}.fiche_rp_arte > div{height: 25px; background: white; margin: auto; width: 350px; margin-top: 2px; font: 11px georgia; text-transform: lowercase; line-height: 25px; letter-spacing: 3px;}.credits_arte{position: absolute; width: 500px; bottom: 0; text-align: center; left: 0; color: white; font: 12px georgia; letter-spacing: -1px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px black;}.credits_arte > a{text-decoration: none; color: white;}</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:23

You should see me in a

feat. pseudo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras efficitur ligula quis erat euismod, at viverra nunc rutrum. Nullam efficitur dui ac viverra semper. Vivamus dolor lacus, ultricies ut tortor nec, varius rutrum lectus. Pellentesque in velit nisl. Phasellus tincidunt, ipsum ultrices ornare mollis, massa sapien placerat enim, sit amet volutpat dolor velit ac felis. Maecenas dignissim fermentum neque, non volutpat odio laoreet elementum. Nulla non leo eget mi ornare posuere at sed lorem. Mauris leo magna, efficitur vitae dapibus vitae, malesuada sed felis. Donec nec mauris est. Mauris gravida nulla a ex rutrum semper. Aenean quis ipsum egestas, mattis lacus vel, lacinia ante. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Mauris lacinia, sem non varius efficitur, nunc mi lacinia est, vel ullamcorper justo quam sed neque.Curabitur eu fermentum risus, eget dignissim massa. Proin vitae euismod ante, eget venenatis mi. Pellentesque maximus nec ligula vitae ultrices. Maecenas risus odio, porta eu suscipit ac, tincidunt sit amet turpis. Vivamus odio purus, consectetur eget dignissim nec, pharetra maximus nulla. Nulla iaculis elementum tempor. Phasellus eu convallis nisi, vitae eleifend nisi. Aliquam et posuere erat. Vestibulum malesuada sollicitudin leo, in sollicitudin felis ultricies at.

1000 words
code couleur: #ffffff

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"><link rel="preconnect" href=""><link href=";300;400&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><div class="crown"> <h2><span>You should see me in a <br/>crown</span></h2> <div class="feat_ar">feat. pseudo <div class="image_perso"><img src=""/></div></div><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras efficitur ligula quis erat euismod, at viverra nunc rutrum. Nullam efficitur dui ac viverra semper. Vivamus dolor lacus, ultricies ut tortor nec, varius rutrum lectus. Pellentesque in velit nisl. Phasellus tincidunt, ipsum ultrices ornare mollis, massa sapien placerat enim, sit amet volutpat dolor velit ac felis. Maecenas dignissim fermentum neque, non volutpat odio laoreet elementum. Nulla non leo eget mi ornare posuere at sed lorem. Mauris leo magna, efficitur vitae dapibus vitae, malesuada sed felis. Donec nec mauris est. Mauris gravida nulla a ex rutrum semper. Aenean quis ipsum egestas, mattis lacus vel, lacinia ante. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Mauris lacinia, sem non varius efficitur, nunc mi lacinia est, vel ullamcorper justo quam sed neque.Curabitur eu fermentum risus, eget dignissim massa. Proin vitae euismod ante, eget venenatis mi. Pellentesque maximus nec ligula vitae ultrices. Maecenas risus odio, porta eu suscipit ac, tincidunt sit amet turpis. Vivamus odio purus, consectetur eget dignissim nec, pharetra maximus nulla. Nulla iaculis elementum tempor. Phasellus eu convallis nisi, vitae eleifend nisi. Aliquam et posuere erat. Vestibulum malesuada sollicitudin leo, in sollicitudin felis ultricies at.</p><div class="words">1000 words</div><div class="words">code couleur: #ffffff</div><div class="credits_arte"><a href="">artemis</a></div></div>

<style>:root{--colorcrown1: #a18cd1;--colorcrown2:#fbc2eb;}.crown{width: 450px; height: 600px; background: #f4f4f4; margin: auto; border: 1px solid #cacaca; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 10px; position:relative; overflow: hidden;}.crown h2{width: 100%; height: 150px; background: black; margin: 0; display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-box-pack: center; -ms-flex-pack: center; justify-content: center; color: #bb8112; -ms-flex-wrap: wrap; flex-wrap: wrap; text-align: center; font: 30px abril fatface; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 30px;}.crown > h2 span{margin: auto; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, from(var(--colorcrown1)), to(var(--colorcrown2))); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, var(--colorcrown1) 0%, var(--colorcrown2) 100%); background-image: linear-gradient(to top, var(--colorcrown1) 0%, var(--colorcrown2) 100%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;}.feat_ar{width: 90%; margin: 50px auto 0; height: 20px; background: black; position: relative; color: white; font: 10px montserrat; line-height: 21px; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; padding-left: 4px;}.image_perso{width: 80px; height:70px; background: black; -webkit-clip-path: polygon(25% 0%, 75% 0%, 100% 50%, 75% 100%, 25% 100%, 0% 50%); clip-path: polygon(25% 0%, 75% 0%, 100% 50%, 75% 100%, 25% 100%, 0% 50%);position: relative; position: absolute; top: -35px; right: -10px; box-siizng: border-box; padding: 10px;}.image_perso img{width: 100%; height: 100%; -o-object-fit: cover; object-fit: cover; position: relative; z-index: 99; -webkit-clip-path: polygon(25% 0%, 75% 0%, 100% 50%, 75% 100%, 25% 100%, 0% 50%); clip-path: polygon(25% 0%, 75% 0%, 100% 50%, 75% 100%, 25% 100%, 0% 50%);}.crown p{width: 95%; margin-top: 20px; text-align: justify; font: 11px montserrat; color: black; font-weight: 400; overflow: auto; height: 220px; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; padding-right: 5px; margin: 55px auto 0; position: relative; z-index: 99;}.crown ::-webkit-scrollbar{width: 5px; background: white;}.crown ::-webkit-scrollbar-track{background: #f2f2f2; border-radius: 2px;}.crown ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{border-radius: 2px; border: 1px solid #dedede; background: white;}.crown:after{content:'\e0cb';font-family:'saturnicons'; font-size: 250px; position: absolute; bottom: 80px; left: -20px; opacity: 0.5; -webkit-transform: rotate(-20deg); -ms-transform: rotate(-20deg); transform: rotate(-20deg); color: var(--colorcrown1); z-index: 1;}.words{float: right; width: 150px; height: 31px; background: black; color: white; text-align: center; margin-right: 20px; margin-top: 10px; font: 10px montserrat; line-height: 31px; clear: both; letter-spacing: 1px;}.credits_arte{font: 10px calibri; width: 100%; color: grey; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; text-align: center;}.credits_arte a{text-decoration: none; color: grey; text-transform: uppercase;}</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:26

Mint Lemonade
Gummi bears bear claw candy canes. Candy cake pudding lemon drops apple pie chocolate bar croissant powder.

Cake tart pastry gummies dragée.


<div class="MM041">

<div class="MM041-img" style="background-image: url(;"></div>
<div class="MM041-x"><strong><b>Mint</b> Lemonade</strong>
<span>Gummi bears bear claw candy canes. Candy cake pudding lemon drops apple pie chocolate bar croissant powder.

Cake tart pastry gummies dragée.</span>

<a href="URL" class="th th-lemon"><b>Expediente</b></a>
<a href="URL" class="th th-apple"><b>Crono</b></a>
<a href="URL" class="th th-strawberry"><b>Relas</b></a>
<a href="URL" class="th th-coconut"><b>Móvil</b></a>
<a href="URL" class="th th-pineapple"><b>Random</b></a>
</div><a class="miMM" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a><link href=";700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><link href="//" rel="stylesheet"><style>.MM041, .MM041 * { box-sizing: border-box; transition: .5s; } .MM041 br { display: none; } .MM041 { --mm-01: #8bc966; --mm-02: #1d353f; --mm-03: #133038; --mm-04: #5b6f67; --mm-05: #c7ccce; width: 500px; margin: auto; border: 1px solid var(--mm-03); font: 10px Montserrat; text-align: center; padding: 20px; background: linear-gradient(-10deg, var(--mm-02) 50%, var(--mm-03) 50% ); min-height: 300px; display: flex; } .MM041-img { flex: 1; border: 1px solid var(--mm-04); box-shadow: 0 10px 20px -10px #0009; background-position: center; background-size: cover; } .MM041-x { width: 50%; border: 1px solid var(--mm-04); color: var(--mm-05); border-left: none; margin: 10px 10px 10px 0; padding: 30px; text-shadow: 1px 1px var(--mm-03), -1px 1px var(--mm-03). 1px -1px var(--mm-03), -1px -1px var(--mm-03); display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; } .MM041-x > strong { font: 16px Alata; } .MM041-x b { color: var(--mm-01); } .MM041-x > span { margin: 20px 0; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 8px; letter-spacing: 1px; } .MM041-x > div { display: flex; justify-content: center; } .MM041-x > div > a { color: var(--mm-01); font-size: 16px; position: relative; margin: 0 8px; } .MM041-x > div > a:hover::before { transform: scale(1.4); } .MM041-x > div > a b { position: absolute; font-size: 9px; text-transform: uppercase; color: var(--mm-05); background: var(--mm-03); top: 0; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%); letter-spacing: 1px; padding: 5px 8px; border: 1px solid var(--mm-04); opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; } .MM041-x > div > a:hover b { top: calc(100% + 10px); opacity: 1; } .MM041-x > span::after, .MM041-x > strong::after { content: ""; width: 50px; display: block; border-top: 2px solid var(--mm-01); margin: 20px auto 0; } .MM041-x > span br { display: block; } .MM041-x > span br + br { margin: 5px; } .miMM { display: block; font: bold 10px Calibri; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; transition: 0.5s; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 3px; color: #444; } .miMM:hover { letter-spacing: 3px; }</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:27

<div class="MJ8" style="color: #4B7EAC;"><div class="imgMJ8" style="background-image: url(;"></div><div class="inMJ8">

<a href="URL"><span class="th th-moon"></span><span>Vida y Obra<b>Expediente</b></span></a>

<a href="URL"><span class="th th-planet-1"></span><span>El Tiempo no se Detiene<b>Cronología</b></span></a>

<a href="URL"><span class="th th-constellation"></span><span>Familia y Amigos<b>Relaciones</b></span></a>

<a href="URL"><span class="th th-stars"></span><span>Buenos y Malos Recuerdos<b>Galería</b></span></a>

</div></div><a class="miMJ8" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a>

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"><link href=",700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><style>.MJ8, .MJ8 * {box-sizing: border-box; scrollbar-color: #0006 #0003; scrollbar-width: thin;} .MJ8 br {display: none;} .MJ8 {padding: 0 0 0 170px; width: 450px; margin: auto; position: relative; font: 10px Raleway;} .inMJ8 {position: relative; border-left: 3px solid #FFF; padding: 5px 0 5px 20px;} .inMJ8 > a {background-color: #FFF; padding: 1px 1px 1px 5px; margin: 30px 0; position: relative; min-height: 50px; border-left: 2px solid #FFF; background-clip: content-box; display: block; color: inherit; border-radius: 0 30px 30px 0; box-shadow: 7px 7px 5px -5px #0006;} .inMJ8 > a:before, .inMJ8 > a:after {content:""; position: absolute; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%);} .inMJ8 > a::before {right: 100%; border-top: 2px solid #FFF; width: 23px;} .inMJ8 > a::after {width: 20px; height: 20px; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 15px, 0 0 0 1px, 2px 2px 5px #006; border-radius: 50%; border: 5px solid #FFF; box-sizing: border-box; right: calc(100% + 14px); transition: .3s;} .inMJ8 > a:hover:after {width: 30px; height: 30px; right: calc(100% + 9px);} .inMJ8 > a > span {display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle;} .inMJ8 > a > {font-size: 25px; padding: 17px; border-radius: 50%; margin: 0 20px; box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #0006, 0 0 0 5px, 0 0 0 6px #FFF, 0 0 0 11px, 5px 5px 5px 5px #0006; height: 60px; width: 60px; text-align: center;} .inMJ8 > a:active > {transform: scale(.9);} .inMJ8 > a > span > b {display: block; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px; transition: .3s;} .inMJ8 > a:hover > span > b {letter-spacing: 3px;} .imgMJ8 {position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 165px; border: 10px solid #FFF; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px, inset 0 0 0 7px #FFF, 8px 8px 5px -5px #0006, inset 3px 3px 10px 5px #0006; background-position: center; background-size: cover;} .miMJ8 {display: block; font: 10px arial; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; transition: .5s;} .miMJ8:hover {letter-spacing: 10px;}</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:30
Título Aquí
Chocolate cake cake liquorice macaroon oat cake halvah dragée chocolate. Jelly beans pastry cotton candy gingerbread halvah dessert carrot cake apple pie. Dragée candy candy chupa chups sugar plum toffee jelly. Chocolate cake icing macaroon.
code by EMME

<div class="CNC" style="background: url(; color: #000;"><crown>&</crown><line></line><div class="inCNC"><span><div class="ttCNC">Título Aquí</div><div class="xxCNC">Chocolate cake cake liquorice macaroon oat cake halvah dragée chocolate. Jelly beans pastry cotton candy gingerbread halvah dessert carrot cake apple pie. Dragée candy candy chupa chups sugar plum toffee jelly. Chocolate cake icing macaroon.</div><div class="ooCNC">o</div></span></div></div><a class="miCNC" href="" style="color: #000;">code by EMME</a>

<style>.CNC, .CNC * {box-sizing: border-box;} @font-face {font-family: 'Siesta'; src: url('');} @font-face {font-family: 'VinDeco'; src: url('');} .CNC {width: 300px; height: 300px; border-radius: 50%; margin: 80px auto 5px; position: relative; border: 5px solid; background-size: 300px 300px !important; background-clip: content-box !important; background-position: center center !important; padding: 3px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px #000B; transition: 2s;} .CNC:hover {background-size: 400px 400px !important;} .CNC crown {text-shadow: 2px 2px 10px #000B; display: block; text-align: center; font: 140px VinDeco; margin-top: -125px;} .inCNC, .CNC line {position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate(360deg); background: #FFF content-box; width: 50px; height: 50px; border-radius: 50%; border: 10px dotted; padding: 6px; transition: 1s; overflow: hidden;} .CNC line {color: #000B; background: #000B content-box; margin: 2px; filter: blur(5px);} .CNC:hover .inCNC, .CNC:hover line {width: 345px; height: 345px; padding: 25px; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate(0deg); border-color: transparent;} .CNC:hover line {background: #0000;} .CNC:hover .inCNC {background: #FFFD content-box;} .inCNC span {display: block; width: 300px; height: 300px; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); opacity: 0; transition: 1s;} .CNC:hover .inCNC span {opacity: 1;} .ttCNC {font: 25px Siesta; text-align: center; padding: 50px 0 0;} .xxCNC {padding: 10px; margin: 0px 50px; text-align: justify; font: 12px arial; color: #555; height: 140px; overflow: auto;} .ooCNC {font: 70px/20px VinDeco; text-align: center;} .miCNC {display: block; text-align: center; font: 10px arial; transition: .5s;} .miCNC:hover {letter-spacing: 5px;}</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:30
Mini Títu Aquí
Cupcake chocolate bar jujubes bonbon tart. Chocolate bar ice cream lollipop jelly sweet. Gummies muffin cupcake tootsie roll. Lemon drops sweet roll gummi bears halvah oat cake cake cookie.

Dragée gingerbread icing cupcake cookie halvah powder lollipop cotton candy. Dessert jelly-o candy muffin candy canes topping topping. Tart sweet cheesecake chocolate cake marzipan sesame snaps.

Mini Títu Aquí
Chocolate cake cake liquorice macaroon oat cake halvah dragée chocolate.

Jelly beans pastry cotton candy gingerbread halvah dessert carrot cake apple pie.

code by EMME

<div class="TRES" style="color: #007cb6;"><div class="paTRES"><img src="" class="imTRES"><div class="xxTRES"><img src=""><div class="ttTRES">Mini Títu Aquí</div><div class="eeTRES">Cupcake chocolate bar jujubes bonbon tart. Chocolate bar ice cream lollipop jelly sweet. Gummies muffin cupcake tootsie roll. Lemon drops sweet roll gummi bears halvah oat cake cake cookie.

Dragée gingerbread icing cupcake cookie halvah powder lollipop cotton candy. Dessert jelly-o candy muffin candy canes topping topping. Tart sweet cheesecake chocolate cake marzipan sesame snaps.</div>
</div></div><div class="paTRES"><div class="xxTRES"><img src=""><div class="ttTRES">Mini Títu Aquí</div><div class="eeTRES">Chocolate cake cake liquorice macaroon oat cake halvah dragée chocolate.

Jelly beans pastry cotton candy gingerbread halvah dessert carrot cake apple pie. </div>
</div><img src="" class="imTRES"></div></div><a href="" class="miTRES" style="color: #007cb6;">code by EMME</a>

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"><style>.TRES, .TRES * {box-sizing: border-box;} @font-face {font-family: 'Tahu'; src: url('!.ttf');} .TRES {width: 500px; background: #FFF; margin: auto;} .paTRES {display: inline-block; width: 50%; vertical-align: top;} .paTRES .imTRES {width: 250px; height: 280px;} .xxTRES {text-align: center; height: 250px; padding: 20px; position: relative;} .paTRES:nth-of-type(odd) .imTRES {clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 0% 100%, 50% calc(100% - 50px), 100% 100%, 100% 0%);} .paTRES:nth-of-type(even) .imTRES {clip-path: polygon(50% calc(0% + 50px), 0% 0%, 0% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 0%);} .ttTRES {font: 25px Tahu; position: absolute; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); width: 100%;} .xxTRES img {height: 50px; position: absolute; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); margin: -60px 0; width: 50px; border: 1px dashed; border-radius: 50%; padding: 5px; box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #fff, 0 0 0 3px;} .paTRES:nth-of-type(odd) .ttTRES, .paTRES:nth-of-type(odd) .xxTRES img {top: 30px;} .paTRES:nth-of-type(even) .ttTRES, .paTRES:nth-of-type(even) .xxTRES img {bottom: 30px;} .xxTRES::before {content: ""; display: block; clip-path: polygon(0% 50px, 0% 100%, 50% calc(100% - 50px), 100% 100%, 100% 50px, 50% 0%); height: 60px; position: absolute; width: 100%; left: 0; z-index: 100; background: #FFF;} .paTRES:nth-of-type(odd) .xxTRES::before {top: -70px;} .paTRES:nth-of-type(even) .xxTRES::before {bottom: -70px; transform: rotateX(180deg)} .eeTRES {font: 11px Nunito; color: #666; padding: 0 20px; overflow: auto; max-height: 150px; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%);} .paTRES:nth-of-type(odd) .eeTRES {margin-top: 20px;} .paTRES:nth-of-type(even) .eeTRES {margin-top: -20px;} .miTRES {font: 10px Nunito; display: block; text-align: center; transition: .5s;} .miTRES:hover {letter-spacing: 5px;} .TRES div::-webkit-scrollbar {width: 3px !important; background: #EEE !important;} .TRES div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {background: #AAA !important;}</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:32
Mini TItu Aquí
Jelly cake chocolate cake. Gummies ice cream candy canes cotton candy dessert oat cake ice cream pudding cupcake. Marzipan gingerbread cupcake lollipop pastry carrot cake. Chocolate cake gummies tiramisu toffee pudding toffee sweet roll carrot cake.

Cookie topping cake. Marshmallow candy canes lollipop chocolate bar jujubes topping. Sesame snaps sugar plum halvah icing sweet roll candy topping dessert chupa chups.
code by EMME

<div class="SPT" style="background: #FFF8E9; color: #d0b1ae;"><img src="" class="imSPT"><img src="" class="imSPT"><img src="" class="imSPT"><div class="xxSPT" style="background: #d0b1ae; color: #FFF8E9;"><span>Mini TItu Aquí</span><div>Jelly cake chocolate cake. Gummies ice cream candy canes cotton candy dessert oat cake ice cream pudding cupcake. Marzipan gingerbread cupcake lollipop pastry carrot cake. Chocolate cake gummies tiramisu toffee pudding toffee sweet roll carrot cake.

Cookie topping cake. Marshmallow candy canes lollipop chocolate bar jujubes topping. Sesame snaps sugar plum halvah icing sweet roll candy topping dessert chupa chups.</div></div><img src="" class="csSPT"></div><a class="miSPT" href="">code by EMME</a>

<link href="|Open+Sans" rel="stylesheet"><style>.SPT div::-webkit-scrollbar {width: 3px !important; background: #FFF !important;} .SPT div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {background: #DDD !important;} .SPT, .SPT * {box-sizing: border-box;} .SPT {width: 500px; padding: 10px; margin: auto; position: relative;} .imSPT, .xxSPT {width: 220px; height: 300px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; border: 10px solid; margin: 10px;} .csSPT {position: absolute; width: 140px; height: 140px; border-radius: 50%; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); border: 10px solid; animation: luts 4s linear infinite;} .xxSPT {border: 0px; padding: 50px 30px;} .xxSPT span {font: 20px Black And White Picture; display: block; text-align: center;} .xxSPT div {font: 12px/14px Open Sans; height: 170px; overflow: auto; text-align: justify; padding-right: 3px;} @keyframes luts {0% {box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 3px #FFF, 5px 5px 10px #FF8EE2, 0px 0px 20px 15px #FFF, -10px -10px 30px 5px #66EFFF;} 25% {box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 5px #FFF, -5px 5px 10px #FF8EE2, 0px 0px 20px 10px #FFF, 10px -10px 30px 5px #66EFFF;} 50% {box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 3px #FFF, -5px -5px 10px #FF8EE2, 0px 0px 20px 5px #FFF, -10px -10px 30px 5px #66EFFF;} 75% {box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 5px #FFF, 5px -5px 10px #FF8EE2, 0px 0px 20px 10px #FFF, -10px 10px 30px 5px #66EFFF;} 100% {box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 3px #FFF, 5px 5px 10px #FF8EE2, 0px 0px 20px 15px #FFF, -10px -10px 30px 5px #66EFFF;}} .miSPT {display: block; text-align: center; font: 10px/14px Open Sans; transition: .5s;} .miSPT:hover {letter-spacing: 5px;}</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:35




<div class="MM008"><label style="color: #d98ca2;"><input type="checkbox" /><div class="MM008-tt"><i><i></i></i>Título Aquí <b></b></div>
<div class="MM008-dt"><div>
<div class="MM008-img"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM008-flex"><div class="MM008-ti"><b>Palabra</b><i>Subtitulo Aquí</i></div>
<div class="MM008-txt"><div>Gingerbread fruitcake candy jelly beans. Cake pudding lemon drops cookie dragée biscuit cheesecake. Gummi bears dragée wafer powder chocolate cake macaroon chupa chups caramels.

Apple pie cookie icing oat cake. Halvah danish chupa chups carrot cake toffee sweet roll. Bear claw gummi bears tart. Carrot cake chocolate bar bonbon macaroon sweet lollipop halvah.

Toffee sugar plum pastry. Sweet roll pastry jujubes lemon drops lollipop cookie. Jelly beans cake sweet roll gummi bears candy canes chocolate cake lollipop. Muffin cupcake tiramisu brownie brownie caramels pastry.</div></div></div></div></div></label>

<label style="color: #e8a469;"><input type="checkbox" /><div class="MM008-tt"><i><i></i></i>Título Aquí <b></b></div>
<div class="MM008-dt"><div>
<div class="MM008-img"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM008-flex"><div class="MM008-ti"><b>Palabra</b><i>Subtitulo Aquí</i></div>
<div class="MM008-txt"><div>Gingerbread fruitcake candy jelly beans. Cake pudding lemon drops cookie dragée biscuit cheesecake. Gummi bears dragée wafer powder chocolate cake macaroon chupa chups caramels.

Apple pie cookie icing oat cake. Halvah danish chupa chups carrot cake toffee sweet roll. Bear claw gummi bears tart. Carrot cake chocolate bar bonbon macaroon sweet lollipop halvah.

Toffee sugar plum pastry. Sweet roll pastry jujubes lemon drops lollipop cookie. Jelly beans cake sweet roll gummi bears candy canes chocolate cake lollipop. Muffin cupcake tiramisu brownie brownie caramels pastry.</div></div></div></div></div></label>

<label style="color: #7dc173;"><input type="checkbox" /><div class="MM008-tt"><i><i></i></i>Título Aquí <b></b></div>
<div class="MM008-dt"><div>
<div class="MM008-img"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM008-flex"><div class="MM008-ti"><b>Palabra</b><i>Subtitulo Aquí</i></div>
<div class="MM008-txt"><div>Gingerbread fruitcake candy jelly beans. Cake pudding lemon drops cookie dragée biscuit cheesecake. Gummi bears dragée wafer powder chocolate cake macaroon chupa chups caramels.

Apple pie cookie icing oat cake. Halvah danish chupa chups carrot cake toffee sweet roll. Bear claw gummi bears tart. Carrot cake chocolate bar bonbon macaroon sweet lollipop halvah.

Toffee sugar plum pastry. Sweet roll pastry jujubes lemon drops lollipop cookie. Jelly beans cake sweet roll gummi bears candy canes chocolate cake lollipop. Muffin cupcake tiramisu brownie brownie caramels pastry.</div></div></div></div></div></label>

</div><a class="miMM" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a><link href="//" rel="stylesheet"><link href=",700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><style>.MM008, .MM008 * { box-sizing: border-box; scrollbar-color: #0006 #0003; scrollbar-width: thin; transition: .5s; }.MM008-flex > br,  .MM008 > br, .MM008-dt > div > br, .MM008 input, .MM008 > label > br { display: none; } .MM008 label ~ label { margin-top: 5px; } .MM008 div::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px !important; height: 5px !important; background: #0006 !important; } .MM008 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #0003 !important; } .MM008 { --mm-uno: #FFF; width: 400px; margin: auto; } .MM008.dark { --mm-uno: #111; } .MM008 > label { background: var(--mm-uno); display: block; margin: 0; border-radius: 10px; border: 3px solid var(--mm-uno); box-shadow: 0 20px 20px -20px #0006; overflow: hidden; } .MM008-tt { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 50px; padding: 5px 7px; -webkit-text-fill-color: var(--mm-uno); font: bold 10px calibri; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; border-bottom: 3px solid var(--mm-uno); cursor: crosshair; } .MM008 input:checked ~ .MM008-tt { border-bottom: 0px solid var(--mm-uno); } .MM008-tt b { float: right; font-size: 8px; margin: -5px -7px; padding: 7px; border-left: 3px solid var(--mm-uno); } .MM008-tt b:before { content: "\eabd"; font-family: honeybee; } .MM008 input:checked ~ .MM008-tt b:before { content: "\eb20"; } .MM008-dt { height: 300px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; box-shadow: inset 0 0 500px -100px; } .MM008 input:checked ~ .MM008-dt { height: 0px; } .MM008-dt > div { height: 300px; position: relative; padding: 20px; cursor: auto; } .MM008-img { width: 180px; height: 180px; border: 10px solid var(--mm-uno); border-radius: 30px; transform: rotate(45deg); box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px -5px, inset 5px 5px 10px -5px #0005; background: #FFF; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; top: -20px; left: -20px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .MM008-img > div { transform: rotate(-45deg); height: 130%; min-width: 130%; mix-blend-mode: multiply; background-position: center; background-size: cover; } .MM008-dt::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; background-image: repeating-radial-gradient(var(--mm-uno), var(--mm-uno) 3px, #0000 3px, #0000 20px); width: 150px; bottom: 0; background-size: 30px 30px; background-position: center; } .MM008-flex { height: 100%; position: relative; margin-left: 120px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .MM008-ti { position: relative; background: var(--mm-uno); text-align: center; padding: 12px 8px 10px 10px; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 5px 20px -10px; border: 3px solid; } .MM008-ti::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: calc(100% - 10px); width: 20px; height: 20px; left: calc(50% - 10px); border: 3px solid; border-radius: 0 5px; background: var(--mm-uno); transform: rotate(-45deg); clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 100% 100%); } .MM008-ti b { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: hidden; font: 70px/25px Debby; letter-spacing: 5px; padding-left: 5px; text-transform: lowercase; opacity: .3; } .MM008-ti i { position: relative; font: bold 10px Montserrat; letter-spacing: 2px; text-shadow: 1px 1px var(--mm-uno), -1px 1px var(--mm-uno), 1px -1px var(--mm-uno), -1px -1px var(--mm-uno); } .MM008-txt { margin-top: 15px; background: var(--mm-uno); border: 3px solid; border-radius: 5px; flex: 1; box-shadow: 0 5px 15px -5px; } .MM008-txt > div { height: 200px; overflow: auto; border: 10px solid transparent; font: 10px montserrat; color: #777; text-align: justify; hyphens: auto; padding-right: 3px; } .MM008-txt > div::first-letter { font-size: 50px; float: left; padding: 13px 10px 8px; } .MM008-tt > i { margin: 0 5px 0 0; } .MM008-tt > i::after, .MM008-tt > i::before, .MM008-tt > i > i { content: ""; display: inline-block; width: 7px; height: 7px; background: var(--mm-uno); border-radius: 50%; margin-right: 5px; animation: brillo 2s linear infinite; } @keyframes brillo { 0% { opacity: .5; } 20% { opacity: 1; } 40% { opacity: .5; } 100% { opacity: .5; } } .MM008-tt > i::after { animation-delay: .4s; } .MM008-tt > i > i { animation-delay: .2s; } @font-face { font-family: Debby; src: url(; } .miMM { display: block; font: bold 10px Calibri; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; transition: .5s; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 3px; } .miMM:hover { letter-spacing: 3px; }</style>

<div class="MM008 dark"><label style="color: #953f4b;"><input type="checkbox" /><div class="MM008-tt"><i><i></i></i>Título Aquí <b></b></div>
<div class="MM008-dt"><div>
<div class="MM008-img"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM008-flex"><div class="MM008-ti"><b>Palabra</b><i>Subtitulo Aquí</i></div>
<div class="MM008-txt"><div>Gingerbread fruitcake candy jelly beans. Cake pudding lemon drops cookie dragée biscuit cheesecake. Gummi bears dragée wafer powder chocolate cake macaroon chupa chups caramels.

Apple pie cookie icing oat cake. Halvah danish chupa chups carrot cake toffee sweet roll. Bear claw gummi bears tart. Carrot cake chocolate bar bonbon macaroon sweet lollipop halvah.

Toffee sugar plum pastry. Sweet roll pastry jujubes lemon drops lollipop cookie. Jelly beans cake sweet roll gummi bears candy canes chocolate cake lollipop. Muffin cupcake tiramisu brownie brownie caramels pastry.</div></div></div></div></div></label>

<label style="color: #c14d30;"><input type="checkbox" /><div class="MM008-tt"><i><i></i></i>Título Aquí <b></b></div>
<div class="MM008-dt"><div>
<div class="MM008-img"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM008-flex"><div class="MM008-ti"><b>Palabra</b><i>Subtitulo Aquí</i></div>
<div class="MM008-txt"><div>Gingerbread fruitcake candy jelly beans. Cake pudding lemon drops cookie dragée biscuit cheesecake. Gummi bears dragée wafer powder chocolate cake macaroon chupa chups caramels.

Apple pie cookie icing oat cake. Halvah danish chupa chups carrot cake toffee sweet roll. Bear claw gummi bears tart. Carrot cake chocolate bar bonbon macaroon sweet lollipop halvah.

Toffee sugar plum pastry. Sweet roll pastry jujubes lemon drops lollipop cookie. Jelly beans cake sweet roll gummi bears candy canes chocolate cake lollipop. Muffin cupcake tiramisu brownie brownie caramels pastry.</div></div></div></div></div></label>

<label style="color: #137b86;"><input type="checkbox" /><div class="MM008-tt"><i><i></i></i>Título Aquí <b></b></div>
<div class="MM008-dt"><div>
<div class="MM008-img"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM008-flex"><div class="MM008-ti"><b>Palabra</b><i>Subtitulo Aquí</i></div>
<div class="MM008-txt"><div>Gingerbread fruitcake candy jelly beans. Cake pudding lemon drops cookie dragée biscuit cheesecake. Gummi bears dragée wafer powder chocolate cake macaroon chupa chups caramels.

Apple pie cookie icing oat cake. Halvah danish chupa chups carrot cake toffee sweet roll. Bear claw gummi bears tart. Carrot cake chocolate bar bonbon macaroon sweet lollipop halvah.

Toffee sugar plum pastry. Sweet roll pastry jujubes lemon drops lollipop cookie. Jelly beans cake sweet roll gummi bears candy canes chocolate cake lollipop. Muffin cupcake tiramisu brownie brownie caramels pastry.</div></div></div></div></div></label>

</div><a class="miMM" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a><link href="//" rel="stylesheet"><link href=",700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><style>.MM008, .MM008 * { box-sizing: border-box; scrollbar-color: #0006 #0003; scrollbar-width: thin; transition: .5s; }.MM008-flex > br,  .MM008 > br, .MM008-dt > div > br, .MM008 input, .MM008 > label > br { display: none; } .MM008 label ~ label { margin-top: 5px; } .MM008 div::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px !important; height: 5px !important; background: #0006 !important; } .MM008 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #0003 !important; } .MM008 { --mm-uno: #FFF; width: 400px; margin: auto; } .MM008.dark { --mm-uno: #111; } .MM008 > label { background: var(--mm-uno); display: block; margin: 0; border-radius: 10px; border: 3px solid var(--mm-uno); box-shadow: 0 20px 20px -20px #0006; overflow: hidden; } .MM008-tt { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 50px; padding: 5px 7px; -webkit-text-fill-color: var(--mm-uno); font: bold 10px calibri; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; border-bottom: 3px solid var(--mm-uno); cursor: crosshair; } .MM008 input:checked ~ .MM008-tt { border-bottom: 0px solid var(--mm-uno); } .MM008-tt b { float: right; font-size: 8px; margin: -5px -7px; padding: 7px; border-left: 3px solid var(--mm-uno); } .MM008-tt b:before { content: "\eabd"; font-family: honeybee; } .MM008 input:checked ~ .MM008-tt b:before { content: "\eb20"; } .MM008-dt { height: 300px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; box-shadow: inset 0 0 500px -100px; } .MM008 input:checked ~ .MM008-dt { height: 0px; } .MM008-dt > div { height: 300px; position: relative; padding: 20px; cursor: auto; } .MM008-img { width: 180px; height: 180px; border: 10px solid var(--mm-uno); border-radius: 30px; transform: rotate(45deg); box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px -5px, inset 5px 5px 10px -5px #0005; background: #FFF; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; top: -20px; left: -20px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .MM008-img > div { transform: rotate(-45deg); height: 130%; min-width: 130%; mix-blend-mode: multiply; background-position: center; background-size: cover; } .MM008-dt::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; background-image: repeating-radial-gradient(var(--mm-uno), var(--mm-uno) 3px, #0000 3px, #0000 20px); width: 150px; bottom: 0; background-size: 30px 30px; background-position: center; } .MM008-flex { height: 100%; position: relative; margin-left: 120px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .MM008-ti { position: relative; background: var(--mm-uno); text-align: center; padding: 12px 8px 10px 10px; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 5px 20px -10px; border: 3px solid; } .MM008-ti::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: calc(100% - 10px); width: 20px; height: 20px; left: calc(50% - 10px); border: 3px solid; border-radius: 0 5px; background: var(--mm-uno); transform: rotate(-45deg); clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 100% 100%); } .MM008-ti b { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: hidden; font: 70px/25px Debby; letter-spacing: 5px; padding-left: 5px; text-transform: lowercase; opacity: .3; } .MM008-ti i { position: relative; font: bold 10px Montserrat; letter-spacing: 2px; text-shadow: 1px 1px var(--mm-uno), -1px 1px var(--mm-uno), 1px -1px var(--mm-uno), -1px -1px var(--mm-uno); } .MM008-txt { margin-top: 15px; background: var(--mm-uno); border: 3px solid; border-radius: 5px; flex: 1; box-shadow: 0 5px 15px -5px; } .MM008-txt > div { height: 200px; overflow: auto; border: 10px solid transparent; font: 10px montserrat; color: #777; text-align: justify; hyphens: auto; padding-right: 3px; } .MM008-txt > div::first-letter { font-size: 50px; float: left; padding: 13px 10px 8px; } .MM008-tt > i { margin: 0 5px 0 0; } .MM008-tt > i::after, .MM008-tt > i::before, .MM008-tt > i > i { content: ""; display: inline-block; width: 7px; height: 7px; background: var(--mm-uno); border-radius: 50%; margin-right: 5px; animation: brillo 2s linear infinite; } @keyframes brillo { 0% { opacity: .5; } 20% { opacity: 1; } 40% { opacity: .5; } 100% { opacity: .5; } } .MM008-tt > i::after { animation-delay: .4s; } .MM008-tt > i > i { animation-delay: .2s; } @font-face { font-family: Debby; src: url(; } .miMM { display: block; font: bold 10px Calibri; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; transition: .5s; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 3px; } .miMM:hover { letter-spacing: 3px; }</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:36

Catasters Team

Pee in the shoe. Gate keepers of hell cats secretly make all the worlds muffins sugar, my siamese, stalks me (in a good way), day and night so meowing chowing and wowing. Ears back wide eyed morning beauty routine of licking self sleep. Allways wanting food ooooh feather moving feather!. Who's the baby annoy owner until he gives you food say meow repeatedly until belly rubs, feels good for all of a sudden cat goes crazy eat the rubberband. Flex claws on the human's belly and purr like a lawnmower meow to be let out so poop on floor and watch human clean up cough furball immediately regret falling into bathtub, toy mouse squeak roll over sleep on my human's head. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie and i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.

Little Claws

Segundo bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie.

And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.

Capitan Atún

Tercer bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie. And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully.

Drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.


Cuarto bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum.

Scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie.

And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.

Pompón x2

Quinto bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie.

And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.



Catasters Team

Pee in the shoe. Gate keepers of hell cats secretly make all the worlds muffins sugar, my siamese, stalks me (in a good way), day and night so meowing chowing and wowing. Ears back wide eyed morning beauty routine of licking self sleep. Allways wanting food ooooh feather moving feather!. Who's the baby annoy owner until he gives you food say meow repeatedly until belly rubs, feels good for all of a sudden cat goes crazy eat the rubberband. Flex claws on the human's belly and purr like a lawnmower meow to be let out so poop on floor and watch human clean up cough furball immediately regret falling into bathtub, toy mouse squeak roll over sleep on my human's head. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie and i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.

Little Claws

Segundo bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie.

And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.

Capitan Atún

Tercer bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie. And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully.

Drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.


Cuarto bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum.

Scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie.

And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.

Pompón x2

Quinto bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie.

And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.


<div class="MM006"><input type="radio" name="mm006" id="mm006-1" checked /><input type="radio" name="mm006" id="mm006-2" /><input type="radio" name="mm006" id="mm006-3" /><input type="radio" name="mm006" id="mm006-4" /><input type="radio" name="mm006" id="mm006-5" />

<div class="MM006-bot">
<label for="mm006-1"><span class="th th-cookie-o"></span></label>
<label for="mm006-2"><span class="th th-diamond-o"></span></label>
<label for="mm006-3"><span class="th th-fish-o"></span></label>
<label for="mm006-4"><span class="th th-flash-o"></span></label>
<label for="mm006-5"><span class="th th-gift-o"></span></label>

<div class="MM006-tt m1"><b>Catasters Team</b></div>
<div class="MM006-img m1"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM006-txt m1">Pee in the shoe. Gate keepers of hell cats secretly make all the worlds muffins sugar, my siamese, stalks me (in a good way), day and night so meowing chowing and wowing. Ears back wide eyed morning beauty routine of licking self sleep. Allways wanting food ooooh feather moving feather!. Who's the baby annoy owner until he gives you food say meow repeatedly until belly rubs, feels good for all of a sudden cat goes crazy eat the rubberband. Flex claws on the human's belly and purr like a lawnmower meow to be let out so poop on floor and watch human clean up cough furball immediately regret falling into bathtub, toy mouse squeak roll over sleep on my human's head. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie and i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.</div>

<div class="MM006-tt m2"><b>Little Claws</b></div>
<div class="MM006-img m2"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM006-txt m2">Segundo bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie. <br><br>And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.</div>

<div class="MM006-tt m3"><b>Capitan Atún</b></div>
<div class="MM006-img m3"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM006-txt m3">Tercer bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie. And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully. <br><br>Drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.</div>

<div class="MM006-tt m4"><b>Bubbles</b></div>
<div class="MM006-img m4"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM006-txt m4">Cuarto bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum. <br><br>Scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie. <br><br>And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.</div>

<div class="MM006-tt m5"><b>Pompón x2</b></div>
<div class="MM006-img m5"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM006-txt m5">Quinto bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie. <br><br>And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.</div>

</div><a class="miMM" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a><link href="//" rel="stylesheet"><style>.MM006, .MM006 * { box-sizing: border-box; scrollbar-color: var(--mm-cua) #0003; scrollbar-width: thin; } .MM006 input, .MM006 > br { display: none; } @font-face { font-family: Amable; src: url(; } .MM006 { --mm-uno: orange; --mm-dos: green; --mm-tres: #111; --mm-cua: #999; } .MM006.whi { --mm-uno: #00b7ff; --mm-dos: #ff7e94; --mm-tres: #fff; } .MM006 { width: 300px; height: 450px; margin: 6px auto; position: relative; border: 1px solid transparent; background: var(--mm-tres); border-image: linear-gradient(45deg, var(--mm-uno), var(--mm-dos)) 1; padding: 220px 30px 0; text-align: center; } .MM006:before { content:""; border: 1px solid transparent; border-image: linear-gradient(45deg, var(--mm-uno), var(--mm-dos)) 1; position: absolute; top: -6px; left: -6px; right: -6px; bottom: -6px; opacity: .6; } .MM006-tt { position: absolute; top: 40px; font: 16px Amable; letter-spacing: 2px; left: 30px; right: 30px; } .MM006-tt > b { background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, var(--mm-uno), var(--mm-dos)); background-clip: text; -webkit-background-clip: text; color: transparent; } .MM006-bot { position: relative; display: flex; } .MM006-bot label { flex: 1; font-size: 16px; margin: 0; background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, var(--mm-uno), var(--mm-dos)); background-clip: text; -webkit-background-clip: text; color: transparent; transition: .5s; } .MM006 input[id*="1"]:checked ~ div label[for*="1"], .MM006 input[id*="2"]:checked ~ div label[for*="2"], .MM006 input[id*="3"]:checked ~ div label[for*="3"], .MM006 input[id*="4"]:checked ~ div label[for*="4"], .MM006 input[id*="5"]:checked ~ div label[for*="5"], .MM006-bot label:hover { transform: scale(1.6); } .MM006-img { position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, var(--mm-uno), var(--mm-dos)); border-radius: 50%; top: 90px; left: calc(50% - 50px); padding: 1px; } .MM006-img > div { height: 100%; border-radius: 50%; background-position: center; background-size: contain; border: 5px solid var(--mm-tres); } .MM006-txt { position: absolute; color: var(--mm-cua); font: 12px calibri; text-align: justify; bottom: 30px; right: 30px; left: 30px; overflow: auto; height: 160px; padding-right: 3px; } .MM006-tt, .MM006-img, .MM006-txt { opacity: 0; filter: blur(50px); transition: 1.5s; } .MM006-img { transition-delay: .3s !important; } .MM006-txt { transition-delay: .6s !important; } .MM006 input[id*="1"]:checked ~ .m1, .MM006 input[id*="2"]:checked ~ .m2, .MM006 input[id*="3"]:checked ~ .m3, .MM006 input[id*="4"]:checked ~ .m4, .MM006 input[id*="5"]:checked ~ .m5 { opacity: 1; filter: blur(0px); z-index: 20; } .miMM { display: block; font: bold 10px Calibri; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; transition: .5s; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 3px; } .miMM:hover { letter-spacing: 3px; } .MM006 div::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px !important; height: 5px !important; background: #0003 !important; } .MM006 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: var(--mm-cua) !important; }</style>

<div class="MM006 whi"><input type="radio" name="mm006-w" id="mm006-1-w" checked /><input type="radio" name="mm006-w" id="mm006-2-w" /><input type="radio" name="mm006-w" id="mm006-3-w" /><input type="radio" name="mm006-w" id="mm006-4-w" /><input type="radio" name="mm006-w" id="mm006-5-w" />

<div class="MM006-bot">
<label for="mm006-1-w"><span class="th th-cookie-o"></span></label>
<label for="mm006-2-w"><span class="th th-diamond-o"></span></label>
<label for="mm006-3-w"><span class="th th-fish-o"></span></label>
<label for="mm006-4-w"><span class="th th-flash-o"></span></label>
<label for="mm006-5-w"><span class="th th-gift-o"></span></label>

<div class="MM006-tt m1"><b>Catasters Team</b></div>
<div class="MM006-img m1"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM006-txt m1">Pee in the shoe. Gate keepers of hell cats secretly make all the worlds muffins sugar, my siamese, stalks me (in a good way), day and night so meowing chowing and wowing. Ears back wide eyed morning beauty routine of licking self sleep. Allways wanting food ooooh feather moving feather!. Who's the baby annoy owner until he gives you food say meow repeatedly until belly rubs, feels good for all of a sudden cat goes crazy eat the rubberband. Flex claws on the human's belly and purr like a lawnmower meow to be let out so poop on floor and watch human clean up cough furball immediately regret falling into bathtub, toy mouse squeak roll over sleep on my human's head. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie and i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.</div>

<div class="MM006-tt m2"><b>Little Claws</b></div>
<div class="MM006-img m2"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM006-txt m2">Segundo bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie. <br><br>And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.</div>

<div class="MM006-tt m3"><b>Capitan Atún</b></div>
<div class="MM006-img m3"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM006-txt m3">Tercer bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie. And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully. <br><br>Drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.</div>

<div class="MM006-tt m4"><b>Bubbles</b></div>
<div class="MM006-img m4"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM006-txt m4">Cuarto bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum. <br><br>Scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie. <br><br>And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.</div>

<div class="MM006-tt m5"><b>Pompón x2</b></div>
<div class="MM006-img m5"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<div class="MM006-txt m5">Quinto bloque de texto y más texto. Miaow then turn around and show you my bum scamper this is the day and sniff all the things, so stare out cat door then go back inside for i like big cats and i can not lie. <br><br>And i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax. Cat milk copy park pee walk owner escape bored tired cage droppings sick vet vomit carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle, eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter but scream for no reason at 4 am. Touch my tail, i shred your hand purrrr.</div>

</div><a class="miMM" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a><link href="//" rel="stylesheet"><style>.MM006, .MM006 * { box-sizing: border-box; scrollbar-color: var(--mm-cua) #0003; scrollbar-width: thin; } .MM006 input, .MM006 > br { display: none; } @font-face { font-family: Amable; src: url(; } .MM006 { --mm-uno: orange; --mm-dos: green; --mm-tres: #111; --mm-cua: #999; } .MM006.whi { --mm-uno: #00b7ff; --mm-dos: #ff7e94; --mm-tres: #fff; } .MM006 { width: 300px; height: 450px; margin: 6px auto; position: relative; border: 1px solid transparent; background: var(--mm-tres); border-image: linear-gradient(45deg, var(--mm-uno), var(--mm-dos)) 1; padding: 220px 30px 0; text-align: center; } .MM006:before { content:""; border: 1px solid transparent; border-image: linear-gradient(45deg, var(--mm-uno), var(--mm-dos)) 1; position: absolute; top: -6px; left: -6px; right: -6px; bottom: -6px; opacity: .6; } .MM006-tt { position: absolute; top: 40px; font: 16px Amable; letter-spacing: 2px; left: 30px; right: 30px; } .MM006-tt > b { background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, var(--mm-uno), var(--mm-dos)); background-clip: text; -webkit-background-clip: text; color: transparent; } .MM006-bot { position: relative; display: flex; } .MM006-bot label { flex: 1; font-size: 16px; margin: 0; background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, var(--mm-uno), var(--mm-dos)); background-clip: text; -webkit-background-clip: text; color: transparent; transition: .5s; } .MM006 input[id*="1"]:checked ~ div label[for*="1"], .MM006 input[id*="2"]:checked ~ div label[for*="2"], .MM006 input[id*="3"]:checked ~ div label[for*="3"], .MM006 input[id*="4"]:checked ~ div label[for*="4"], .MM006 input[id*="5"]:checked ~ div label[for*="5"], .MM006-bot label:hover { transform: scale(1.6); } .MM006-img { position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, var(--mm-uno), var(--mm-dos)); border-radius: 50%; top: 90px; left: calc(50% - 50px); padding: 1px; } .MM006-img > div { height: 100%; border-radius: 50%; background-position: center; background-size: contain; border: 5px solid var(--mm-tres); } .MM006-txt { position: absolute; color: var(--mm-cua); font: 12px calibri; text-align: justify; bottom: 30px; right: 30px; left: 30px; overflow: auto; height: 160px; padding-right: 3px; } .MM006-tt, .MM006-img, .MM006-txt { opacity: 0; filter: blur(50px); transition: 1.5s; } .MM006-img { transition-delay: .3s !important; } .MM006-txt { transition-delay: .6s !important; } .MM006 input[id*="1"]:checked ~ .m1, .MM006 input[id*="2"]:checked ~ .m2, .MM006 input[id*="3"]:checked ~ .m3, .MM006 input[id*="4"]:checked ~ .m4, .MM006 input[id*="5"]:checked ~ .m5 { opacity: 1; filter: blur(0px); z-index: 20; } .miMM { display: block; font: bold 10px Calibri; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; transition: .5s; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 3px; } .miMM:hover { letter-spacing: 3px; } .MM006 div::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px !important; height: 5px !important; background: #0003 !important; } .MM006 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: var(--mm-cua) !important; }</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:37
Wild Team

Pee on walls it smells like breakfast good now the other hand, too play time, for spill litter box, scratch at owner, destroy all furniture, especially couch yet check cat door for ambush 10 times before coming in.

Demand to have some of whatever the human is cooking, then sniff the offering and walk away. Hate dog. Mewl for food at 4am pretend not to be evil but slap kitten brother with paw steal the warm chair right after you get up.

Pee on walls it smells like breakfast good now the other hand, too play time, for spill litter box, scratch at owner, destroy all furniture, especially couch yet check cat door for ambush 10 times before coming in.

Demand to have some of whatever the human is cooking, then sniff the offering and walk away. Hate dog. Mewl for food at 4am pretend not to be evil but slap kitten brother with paw steal the warm chair right after you get up.

Pee on walls it smells like breakfast good now the other hand, too play time, for spill litter box, scratch at owner, destroy all furniture, especially couch yet check cat door for ambush 10 times before coming in.

Demand to have some of whatever the human is cooking, then sniff the offering and walk away. Hate dog. Mewl for food at 4am pretend not to be evil but slap kitten brother with paw steal the warm chair right after you get up.

Pee on walls it smells like breakfast good now the other hand, too play time, for spill litter box, scratch at owner, destroy all furniture, especially couch yet check cat door for ambush 10 times before coming in.

Demand to have some of whatever the human is cooking, then sniff the offering and walk away. Hate dog. Mewl for food at 4am pretend not to be evil but slap kitten brother with paw steal the warm chair right after you get up.


<div class="MM001 mm-header" style="color: #68a0bb;">Wild Team</div><div class="MM001">

<div style="color: #68a0bb;"><div style="background-image: url(;"><div>Pee on walls it smells like breakfast good now the other hand, too play time, for spill litter box, scratch at owner, destroy all furniture, especially couch yet check cat door for ambush 10 times before coming in.

Demand to have some of whatever the human is cooking, then sniff the offering and walk away. Hate dog. Mewl for food at 4am pretend not to be evil but slap kitten brother with paw steal the warm chair right after you get up.</div></div><strong><i>The</i><b>Raccoon</b></strong></div>

<div style="color: #b94f66;"><div style="background-image: url(;"><div>Pee on walls it smells like breakfast good now the other hand, too play time, for spill litter box, scratch at owner, destroy all furniture, especially couch yet check cat door for ambush 10 times before coming in.

Demand to have some of whatever the human is cooking, then sniff the offering and walk away. Hate dog. Mewl for food at 4am pretend not to be evil but slap kitten brother with paw steal the warm chair right after you get up.</div></div><strong><i>The</i><b>Tiger</b></strong></div>

<div style="color: #2d7164;"><div style="background-image: url(;"><div>Pee on walls it smells like breakfast good now the other hand, too play time, for spill litter box, scratch at owner, destroy all furniture, especially couch yet check cat door for ambush 10 times before coming in.

Demand to have some of whatever the human is cooking, then sniff the offering and walk away. Hate dog. Mewl for food at 4am pretend not to be evil but slap kitten brother with paw steal the warm chair right after you get up.</div></div><strong><i>The</i><b>Fox</b></strong></div>

<div style="color: #ae5992;"><div style="background-image: url(;"><div>Pee on walls it smells like breakfast good now the other hand, too play time, for spill litter box, scratch at owner, destroy all furniture, especially couch yet check cat door for ambush 10 times before coming in.

Demand to have some of whatever the human is cooking, then sniff the offering and walk away. Hate dog. Mewl for food at 4am pretend not to be evil but slap kitten brother with paw steal the warm chair right after you get up.</div></div><strong><i>The</i><b>Zebra</b></strong></div>

</div><a class="miMM" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><style> .MM001, .MM001 * { box-sizing: border-box; scrollbar-color: #0004 #0002; scrollbar-width: thin; transition: .5s; } .MM001 > br { display: none; } .MM001 { width: 500px; margin: 10px auto 5px; display: flex; border: 5px solid transparent; background: #FFF; overflow-y: hidden; outline: 5px solid #DDD; box-shadow: 0 10px 30px -20px #000; } .MM001 > div { min-width: 200px; border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-bottom: 5px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; padding: 5px; } .MM001 > div ~ div { margin-left: 5px; } .MM001 > div > div { flex: 1; border: 1px solid; background-position: center; background-size: contain; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 5px #FFF4; padding: 10px; } .MM001 > div > div:hover { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 150px #FFF4; } .MM001 > div > strong { height: 50px; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 5px #FFF4, inset 0 0 0 50px; margin-top: 5px; text-align: center; padding: 10px 0 0 2px; text-shadow: 1px 1px #0003, 1px -1px #0003, -1px 1px #0003, -1px -1px #0003; } .MM001 > div > strong > * { color: #FFF; } .MM001 > div > strong > i { font: 10px calibri; letter-spacing: 2px; } .MM001 > div > strong > b { display: block; font: 14px/12px Roboto Slab; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; } .MM001 > div > div > div { border: 10px solid transparent; background: #fffd; font: 12px calibri; text-align: justify; hyphens: auto; overflow: auto; outline: 1px solid; -webkit-text-fill-color: #777; transform: scale(0); padding-right: 3px; height: 220px; } .MM001 > div > div:hover > div { transform: scale(1); } { margin-bottom: 15px !important; justify-content: center; padding: 20px; font: bold 20px Roboto Slab; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 3px; text-shadow: 1px 1px #0003, 1px -1px #0003, -1px 1px #0003, -1px -1px #0003; -webkit-text-fill-color: #FFF; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 50px, 0 10px 30px -20px #000; } .miMM { display: block; font: bold 10px Calibri; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; transition: .5s; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 3px; } .miMM:hover { letter-spacing: 3px; } .MM001 div::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px !important; height: 5px !important; background: #0006 !important; } .MM001 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #0003 !important; }</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:41
Un Buen Encabezado Aquí
subtitulo, datos o una frase en este lugar
Show belly munch, munch, chomp, chomp or have secret plans yet tuxedo cats always looking dapper make plans to dominate world and then take a nap. Annoy kitten brother with poking freak human out make funny noise mow mow mow mow mow mow success now attack human. Nya nya nyan sleep on keyboard.
OTítulo o NombreEdad XX años.
NacionalidadPaís Aquí
OcupaciónO Empleo
SexoU Orientación Sexual
St. agur blue cheese boursin rubber cheese. Babybel queso blue castello port-salut cheese slices cottage cheese camembert de normandie squirty cheese. Manchego caerphilly pecorino pepper jack queso port-salut mozzarella camembert de normandie. Parmesan st. agur blue cheese queso fromage.

Croque monsieur cheese and biscuits cheese and wine. Gouda halloumi airedale pecorino manchego goat cauliflower cheese everyone loves. Emmental stilton squirty cheese cheese and biscuits roquefort danish fontina rubber cheese feta. Gouda croque monsieur danish fontina rubber cheese.

Cheesy grin fromage frais caerphilly. Goat brie pepper jack cheese and biscuits st. agur blue cheese who moved my cheese fromage frais cheese triangles. Queso bavarian bergkase cheese slices rubber cheese blue castello lancashire blue castello boursin. Boursin stilton.

PTítulo o NombreEdad XX años.
NacionalidadPaís Aquí
OcupaciónO Empleo
SexoU Orientación Sexual
St. agur blue cheese boursin rubber cheese. Babybel queso blue castello port-salut cheese slices cottage cheese camembert de normandie squirty cheese. Manchego caerphilly pecorino pepper jack queso port-salut mozzarella camembert de normandie. Parmesan st. agur blue cheese queso fromage.

Croque monsieur cheese and biscuits cheese and wine. Gouda halloumi airedale pecorino manchego goat cauliflower cheese everyone loves. Emmental stilton squirty cheese cheese and biscuits roquefort danish fontina rubber cheese feta. Gouda croque monsieur danish fontina rubber cheese.

Cheesy grin fromage frais caerphilly. Goat brie pepper jack cheese and biscuits st. agur blue cheese who moved my cheese fromage frais cheese triangles. Queso bavarian bergkase cheese slices rubber cheese blue castello lancashire blue castello boursin. Boursin stilton.

QTítulo o NombreEdad XX años.
NacionalidadPaís Aquí
OcupaciónO Empleo
SexoU Orientación Sexual
St. agur blue cheese boursin rubber cheese. Babybel queso blue castello port-salut cheese slices cottage cheese camembert de normandie squirty cheese. Manchego caerphilly pecorino pepper jack queso port-salut mozzarella camembert de normandie. Parmesan st. agur blue cheese queso fromage.

Croque monsieur cheese and biscuits cheese and wine. Gouda halloumi airedale pecorino manchego goat cauliflower cheese everyone loves. Emmental stilton squirty cheese cheese and biscuits roquefort danish fontina rubber cheese feta. Gouda croque monsieur danish fontina rubber cheese.

Cheesy grin fromage frais caerphilly. Goat brie pepper jack cheese and biscuits st. agur blue cheese who moved my cheese fromage frais cheese triangles. Queso bavarian bergkase cheese slices rubber cheese blue castello lancashire blue castello boursin. Boursin stilton.

RTítulo o NombreEdad XX años.
NacionalidadPaís Aquí
OcupaciónO Empleo
SexoU Orientación Sexual
St. agur blue cheese boursin rubber cheese. Babybel queso blue castello port-salut cheese slices cottage cheese camembert de normandie squirty cheese. Manchego caerphilly pecorino pepper jack queso port-salut mozzarella camembert de normandie. Parmesan st. agur blue cheese queso fromage.

Croque monsieur cheese and biscuits cheese and wine. Gouda halloumi airedale pecorino manchego goat cauliflower cheese everyone loves. Emmental stilton squirty cheese cheese and biscuits roquefort danish fontina rubber cheese feta. Gouda croque monsieur danish fontina rubber cheese.

Cheesy grin fromage frais caerphilly. Goat brie pepper jack cheese and biscuits st. agur blue cheese who moved my cheese fromage frais cheese triangles. Queso bavarian bergkase cheese slices rubber cheese blue castello lancashire blue castello boursin. Boursin stilton.

BTítulo o NombreEdad XX años.
NacionalidadPaís Aquí
OcupaciónO Empleo
SexoU Orientación Sexual
St. agur blue cheese boursin rubber cheese. Babybel queso blue castello port-salut cheese slices cottage cheese camembert de normandie squirty cheese. Manchego caerphilly pecorino pepper jack queso port-salut mozzarella camembert de normandie. Parmesan st. agur blue cheese queso fromage.

Croque monsieur cheese and biscuits cheese and wine. Gouda halloumi airedale pecorino manchego goat cauliflower cheese everyone loves. Emmental stilton squirty cheese cheese and biscuits roquefort danish fontina rubber cheese feta. Gouda croque monsieur danish fontina rubber cheese.

Cheesy grin fromage frais caerphilly. Goat brie pepper jack cheese and biscuits st. agur blue cheese who moved my cheese fromage frais cheese triangles. Queso bavarian bergkase cheese slices rubber cheese blue castello lancashire blue castello boursin. Boursin stilton.

ATítulo o NombreEdad XX años.
NacionalidadPaís Aquí
OcupaciónO Empleo
SexoU Orientación Sexual
St. agur blue cheese boursin rubber cheese. Babybel queso blue castello port-salut cheese slices cottage cheese camembert de normandie squirty cheese. Manchego caerphilly pecorino pepper jack queso port-salut mozzarella camembert de normandie. Parmesan st. agur blue cheese queso fromage.

Croque monsieur cheese and biscuits cheese and wine. Gouda halloumi airedale pecorino manchego goat cauliflower cheese everyone loves. Emmental stilton squirty cheese cheese and biscuits roquefort danish fontina rubber cheese feta. Gouda croque monsieur danish fontina rubber cheese.

Cheesy grin fromage frais caerphilly. Goat brie pepper jack cheese and biscuits st. agur blue cheese who moved my cheese fromage frais cheese triangles. Queso bavarian bergkase cheese slices rubber cheese blue castello lancashire blue castello boursin. Boursin stilton.

Emme's Codes

<div class="WSM"><div class="imgWSM" style="background: url( center center;"><titu><c>W</c><div>Un Buen Encabezado Aquí
<i>subtitulo, datos o una frase en este lugar</i></div></titu><div class="txWSM">Show belly munch, munch, chomp, chomp or have secret plans yet tuxedo cats always looking dapper make plans to dominate world and then take a nap. Annoy kitten brother with poking freak human out make funny noise mow mow mow mow mow mow success now attack human. Nya nya nyan sleep on keyboard.</div></div><div class="peWSM" style="color: #010105;"><c>O</c><img src=""><m>Título o Nombre</m><i class="fas fa-birthday-cake"><data><b>Edad</b> XX años.</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-globe-americas"><data><b>Nacionalidad</b>País Aquí</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-coffee"><data><b>Ocupación</b>O Empleo</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-transgender-alt"><data><b>Sexo</b>U Orientación Sexual</data>
</i><div>St. agur blue cheese boursin rubber cheese. Babybel queso blue castello port-salut cheese slices cottage cheese camembert de normandie squirty cheese. Manchego caerphilly pecorino pepper jack queso port-salut mozzarella camembert de normandie. Parmesan st. agur blue cheese queso fromage.

Croque monsieur cheese and biscuits cheese and wine. Gouda halloumi airedale pecorino manchego goat cauliflower cheese everyone loves. Emmental stilton squirty cheese cheese and biscuits roquefort danish fontina rubber cheese feta. Gouda croque monsieur danish fontina rubber cheese.

Cheesy grin fromage frais caerphilly. Goat brie pepper jack cheese and biscuits st. agur blue cheese who moved my cheese fromage frais cheese triangles. Queso bavarian bergkase cheese slices rubber cheese blue castello lancashire blue castello boursin. Boursin stilton.</div>
</div><div class="peWSM" style="color: #52abc0;"><c>P</c><img src=""><m>Título o Nombre</m><i class="fas fa-birthday-cake"><data><b>Edad</b> XX años.</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-globe-americas"><data><b>Nacionalidad</b>País Aquí</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-coffee"><data><b>Ocupación</b>O Empleo</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-transgender-alt"><data><b>Sexo</b>U Orientación Sexual</data>
</i><div>St. agur blue cheese boursin rubber cheese. Babybel queso blue castello port-salut cheese slices cottage cheese camembert de normandie squirty cheese. Manchego caerphilly pecorino pepper jack queso port-salut mozzarella camembert de normandie. Parmesan st. agur blue cheese queso fromage.

Croque monsieur cheese and biscuits cheese and wine. Gouda halloumi airedale pecorino manchego goat cauliflower cheese everyone loves. Emmental stilton squirty cheese cheese and biscuits roquefort danish fontina rubber cheese feta. Gouda croque monsieur danish fontina rubber cheese.

Cheesy grin fromage frais caerphilly. Goat brie pepper jack cheese and biscuits st. agur blue cheese who moved my cheese fromage frais cheese triangles. Queso bavarian bergkase cheese slices rubber cheese blue castello lancashire blue castello boursin. Boursin stilton.</div>
</div><div class="peWSM" style="color: #ff6536;"><c>Q</c><img src=""><m>Título o Nombre</m><i class="fas fa-birthday-cake"><data><b>Edad</b> XX años.</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-globe-americas"><data><b>Nacionalidad</b>País Aquí</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-coffee"><data><b>Ocupación</b>O Empleo</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-transgender-alt"><data><b>Sexo</b>U Orientación Sexual</data>
</i><div>St. agur blue cheese boursin rubber cheese. Babybel queso blue castello port-salut cheese slices cottage cheese camembert de normandie squirty cheese. Manchego caerphilly pecorino pepper jack queso port-salut mozzarella camembert de normandie. Parmesan st. agur blue cheese queso fromage.

Croque monsieur cheese and biscuits cheese and wine. Gouda halloumi airedale pecorino manchego goat cauliflower cheese everyone loves. Emmental stilton squirty cheese cheese and biscuits roquefort danish fontina rubber cheese feta. Gouda croque monsieur danish fontina rubber cheese.

Cheesy grin fromage frais caerphilly. Goat brie pepper jack cheese and biscuits st. agur blue cheese who moved my cheese fromage frais cheese triangles. Queso bavarian bergkase cheese slices rubber cheese blue castello lancashire blue castello boursin. Boursin stilton.</div>
</div><div class="peWSM" style="color: #976a6f;"><c>R</c><img src=""><m>Título o Nombre</m><i class="fas fa-birthday-cake"><data><b>Edad</b> XX años.</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-globe-americas"><data><b>Nacionalidad</b>País Aquí</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-coffee"><data><b>Ocupación</b>O Empleo</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-transgender-alt"><data><b>Sexo</b>U Orientación Sexual</data>
</i><div>St. agur blue cheese boursin rubber cheese. Babybel queso blue castello port-salut cheese slices cottage cheese camembert de normandie squirty cheese. Manchego caerphilly pecorino pepper jack queso port-salut mozzarella camembert de normandie. Parmesan st. agur blue cheese queso fromage.

Croque monsieur cheese and biscuits cheese and wine. Gouda halloumi airedale pecorino manchego goat cauliflower cheese everyone loves. Emmental stilton squirty cheese cheese and biscuits roquefort danish fontina rubber cheese feta. Gouda croque monsieur danish fontina rubber cheese.

Cheesy grin fromage frais caerphilly. Goat brie pepper jack cheese and biscuits st. agur blue cheese who moved my cheese fromage frais cheese triangles. Queso bavarian bergkase cheese slices rubber cheese blue castello lancashire blue castello boursin. Boursin stilton.</div>
</div><div class="peWSM" style="color: #ff5e9a;"><c>B</c><img src=""><m>Título o Nombre</m><i class="fas fa-birthday-cake"><data><b>Edad</b> XX años.</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-globe-americas"><data><b>Nacionalidad</b>País Aquí</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-coffee"><data><b>Ocupación</b>O Empleo</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-transgender-alt"><data><b>Sexo</b>U Orientación Sexual</data>
</i><div>St. agur blue cheese boursin rubber cheese. Babybel queso blue castello port-salut cheese slices cottage cheese camembert de normandie squirty cheese. Manchego caerphilly pecorino pepper jack queso port-salut mozzarella camembert de normandie. Parmesan st. agur blue cheese queso fromage.

Croque monsieur cheese and biscuits cheese and wine. Gouda halloumi airedale pecorino manchego goat cauliflower cheese everyone loves. Emmental stilton squirty cheese cheese and biscuits roquefort danish fontina rubber cheese feta. Gouda croque monsieur danish fontina rubber cheese.

Cheesy grin fromage frais caerphilly. Goat brie pepper jack cheese and biscuits st. agur blue cheese who moved my cheese fromage frais cheese triangles. Queso bavarian bergkase cheese slices rubber cheese blue castello lancashire blue castello boursin. Boursin stilton.</div>
</div><div class="peWSM" style="color: #ffb300;"><c>A</c><img src=""><m>Título o Nombre</m><i class="fas fa-birthday-cake"><data><b>Edad</b> XX años.</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-globe-americas"><data><b>Nacionalidad</b>País Aquí</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-coffee"><data><b>Ocupación</b>O Empleo</data>
</i><i class="fas fa-transgender-alt"><data><b>Sexo</b>U Orientación Sexual</data>
</i><div>St. agur blue cheese boursin rubber cheese. Babybel queso blue castello port-salut cheese slices cottage cheese camembert de normandie squirty cheese. Manchego caerphilly pecorino pepper jack queso port-salut mozzarella camembert de normandie. Parmesan st. agur blue cheese queso fromage.

Croque monsieur cheese and biscuits cheese and wine. Gouda halloumi airedale pecorino manchego goat cauliflower cheese everyone loves. Emmental stilton squirty cheese cheese and biscuits roquefort danish fontina rubber cheese feta. Gouda croque monsieur danish fontina rubber cheese.

Cheesy grin fromage frais caerphilly. Goat brie pepper jack cheese and biscuits st. agur blue cheese who moved my cheese fromage frais cheese triangles. Queso bavarian bergkase cheese slices rubber cheese blue castello lancashire blue castello boursin. Boursin stilton.</div>
</div><link href="|Ubuntu" rel="stylesheet"><link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-hWVjflwFxL6sNzntih27bfxkr27PmbbK/iSvJ+a4+0owXq79v+lsFkW54bOGbiDQ" crossorigin="anonymous"><center><a href="" style="font: 8px arial;line-height: 15px;">Emme's Codes</a></center><style>@font-face {font-family: 'The King';src: url('');}.WSM {border: 1px solid;width: 600px;margin: auto;background: #EEE;overflow: hidden;text-align: center;color: #444d54;padding-bottom: 5px;}.imgWSM {background: #ff8a57;min-height: 200px;border-radius: 0 0 80% 80%;margin: 0 -100px -70px;padding: 100px 150px;overflow: hidden;position: relative;color: #FFF;}.imgWSM:before {content: "";position: absolute;display: block;width: 300px;height: 100%;left: 50%;transform: translateX(-50%);background: #444d54;top: 0;mix-blend-mode: multiply;}.imgWSM titu {position: relative;border-top: 1px solid;border-bottom: 1px solid;width: 150px;display: block;margin: auto;}.imgWSM titu div {margin: 0px -75px;font: 22px Vollkorn;}.imgWSM titu div i {font: 12px/0px Ubuntu;padding: 0 0 13px 0;display: block;}.txWSM {position: relative;font: 12px Ubuntu;margin: 20px 110px 0;}.peWSM {width: 170px;background: #FFF;display: inline-block;margin: 0 10px 20px;border-radius: 3px;height: 320px;position: relative;box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px #000000a6;border: 2px dotted;border-bottom: 15px solid;}.WSM c {display: block;font: 35px/18px The King;margin-top: 20px;}.WSM titu c {margin: -30px 0 15px 0;font-size: 45px;}.peWSM img {width: 70px;height: 70px;display: block;border-radius: 50%;border: 1px dashed;padding: 3px;margin: 5px auto;}.peWSM m {display: block;font: 12px Ubuntu;margin: 5px 10px 0;border-top: 1px dashed;border-bottom: 1px dashed;position: relative;background: #fffa;}.peWSM .fas {font-weight: bold;font-size: 15px;border: 1px solid;padding: 5px;margin: 6px 3px;opacity: .8;position: relative;}.peWSM .fas:hover {opacity: 1;z-index: 100;}.peWSM .fas data {position: absolute;background: #FFF;border: 0px solid;display: block;padding: 0px;border-radius: 5px;top: 28px;left: 50%;transform: translateX(-50%);font: 0px Ubuntu;box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px #000000a6;transition: .3s;opacity: 0;}.peWSM .fas:hover data {font: 10px Ubuntu;transition: .7s;padding: 3px;border: 2px solid;opacity: 1;}.peWSM .fas data:before {width: 16px;border-bottom: 8px solid;border-left: 8px solid transparent;border-right: 8px solid transparent;content: "";left: 50%;transform: translateX(-50%);top: -8px;position: absolute;}.peWSM .fas data b {display: block;text-transform: uppercase;letter-spacing: 1px;border-bottom: 1px solid;padding: 0px 5px;transition: .3s;}.peWSM .fas:hover data b {font-size: 8px;min-width: 50px;}.peWSM div {font: 10px ubuntu;text-align: left;margin: 0px 7px;height: 125px;overflow: auto;color: #434b52;background: #444d541c;border: 5px solid transparent;}</style>

Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:43


<div class="M82">
    <i><input type="radio" name="M82" id="M8201" checked>
    <label for="M8201" style="color: #e2f4ff;"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div><div><div><strong><span class="th th-badger"></span>Título 001<sub>Frase, info, data o algo cortito</sub></strong><span>Tiramisu jelly beans marshmallow cheesecake wafer muffin. Chupa chups wafer sweet. Candy canes bear claw chupa chups.

    Lemon drops powder macaroon. Jelly-o donut icing. Cookie bonbon gummies pudding macaroon pastry chocolate candy canes.

    Icing pudding sesame snaps cheesecake biscuit jelly-o candy canes. Carrot cake chupa chups cotton candy pudding liquorice brownie lemon drops. Jelly beans brownie sweet wafer danish liquorice jelly beans. Jelly-o cookie cheesecake chocolate bar ice cream tiramisu halvah.</span></div></div></label></i>

    <i><input type="radio" name="M82" id="M8202">
    <label for="M8202" style="color: #ffe1da;"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div><div><div><strong><span class="th th-dragonfly"></span>Título 002<sub>Frase, info, data o algo cortito</sub></strong><span>Wafer powder soufflé halvah cupcake bear claw sweet roll. Wafer cake cotton candy. Bonbon chocolate cake marzipan pastry gummies tart danish danish. Gummies sesame snaps lemon drops jujubes ice cream sweet gummies.

    Chupa chups powder candy bear claw marzipan gummies halvah. Tiramisu pie carrot cake toffee danish macaroon. Toffee powder sesame snaps bear claw tiramisu chocolate cake jelly beans jelly beans. Pie jelly beans pastry candy sesame snaps.

    Sweet roll chocolate bar carrot cake sesame snaps tootsie roll halvah. Gummies chocolate cake halvah candy canes. Pudding cake powder tiramisu halvah donut chupa chups candy. Topping chocolate bar dessert candy canes.</span></div></div></label></i>

    <i><input type="radio" name="M82" id="M8203">
    <label for="M8203" style="color: #feffce;"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div><div><div><strong><span class="th th-fish-bone"></span>Título 003<sub>Frase, info, data o algo cortito</sub></strong><span>Tiramisu lemon drops carrot cake candy dessert. Lollipop dragée tart caramels. Cookie gingerbread brownie gummi bears danish gingerbread carrot cake.

    Cotton candy carrot cake muffin dessert cheesecake pie topping liquorice. Bear claw tiramisu icing halvah sweet roll. Halvah gummi bears apple pie gummies chocolate cake jujubes.

    Chocolate cake macaroon wafer dragée chocolate. Gingerbread halvah jujubes sweet icing biscuit cake macaroon. Marshmallow sweet soufflé pudding cookie. Donut pie pudding lollipop brownie.</span></div></div></label></i>

    <i><input type="radio" name="M82" id="M8204">
    <label for="M8204" style="color: #d5ffbc;"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div><div><div><strong><span class="th th-starfish"></span>Título 004<sub>Frase, info, data o algo cortito</sub></strong><span>Wafer bear claw sugar plum halvah. Muffin marshmallow soufflé apple pie toffee jelly caramels. Oat cake apple pie sweet roll cheesecake dragée chocolate cake soufflé gummi bears. Bonbon brownie jelly danish topping marzipan.

    Pie chocolate bar jujubes pie. Pastry gingerbread cupcake gummi bears jelly beans icing jelly-o. Apple pie chocolate gummi bears candy. Chocolate pastry chocolate bar.

    Lollipop sweet roll jelly-o macaroon wafer. Danish gummies biscuit marzipan biscuit. Pastry candy canes croissant pastry fruitcake dragée.</span></div></div></label></i>

    <i><input type="radio" name="M82" id="M8205">
    <label for="M8205" style="color: #d7d4ff;"><div style="background-image: url(;"></div><div><div><strong><span class="th th-toy-mouse"></span>Título 005<sub>Frase, info, data o algo cortito</sub></strong><span>Bonbon biscuit chupa chups oat cake pastry bonbon biscuit. Sweet gummies candy wafer oat cake. Sweet roll chocolate apple pie donut.

    Jujubes dessert biscuit brownie macaroon cotton candy jelly. Brownie macaroon soufflé jelly beans candy pastry candy canes. Icing donut cookie apple pie brownie. Gummi bears sugar plum biscuit jujubes pie chocolate cake bonbon danish brownie.

    Macaroon brownie muffin cotton candy. Candy canes cake halvah fruitcake soufflé tart sweet roll fruitcake pudding. Fruitcake oat cake gummi bears pudding. Biscuit brownie sweet roll cupcake fruitcake marshmallow.</span></div></div></label></i>
    </div><a href="" title="Code by Emme" class="miM82">Emme</a>

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Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:43

Título AquíSubtítulo, frase, información adicional o lo que se quiera.



British shorthair ragdoll yet bobcat or malkin balinese russian blue. Manx tomcat. Birman malkin for thai. Cornish rex birman for mouser but cheetah. Egyptian mau malkin ocicat for savannah so tiger. Russian blue cougar british shorthair and british shorthair lynx yet jaguar mouser. Scottish fold cheetah norwegian forest. Cougar grimalkin so tom and maine coon norwegian forest or persian or panther. Ocicat donskoy leopard but munchkin for grimalkin and lynx grimalkin. Kitty burmese russian blue, yet savannah but maine coon. Puma abyssinian and bombay but jaguar, or sphynx jaguar or russian blue. American bobtail jaguar. British shorthair munchkin, persian for tom for american bobtail. British shorthair tomcat turkish angora yet havana brown. Ocelot leopard but abyssinian . Tabby cornish rex manx so scottish fold. Turkish angora kitten kitten so lynx and mouser and balinese. Thai. Jaguar persian, and lion so russian blue and bengal persian or siberian.


01/01Turkish angora kitten kitten so lynx and mouser and balinese. 02/02British shorthair munchkin, persian for tom for american bobtail. 03/03Scottish fold cheetah norwegian forest.04/04Puma abyssinian and bombay but jaguar, or sphynx jaguar or russian blue.05/05Kitty burmese russian blue, yet savannah but maine coon.




Estamos en Invierno16° / 7°

Mantente al tanto de las últimas novedades. Siguenos en:


Nombre Apellido busca:Título de la Búsqueda Nombre Apellido busca:Título de la Búsqueda Nombre Apellido busca:Título de la Búsqueda Nombre Apellido busca:Título de la Búsqueda Nombre Apellido busca:Título de la Búsqueda


Sabías que...Cornish rex birman for mouser but cheetah.

Sabías que...British shorthair ragdoll yet bobcat or malkin balinese russian blue.

Sabías que...Egyptian mau malkin ocicat for savannah so tiger. Cornish rex birman for mouser but cheetah.

Sabías que...Manx tomcat. Birman malkin for thai.

Sabías que...Cornish rex birman for mouser but cheetah.


Russian blue cougar british shorthair and british shorthair lynx yet jaguar mouser. Así luce un enlace. Scottish fold cheetah norwegian forest. Cougar grimalkin so tom and maine coon norwegian forest or persian or panther. Ocicat donskoy leopard but munchkin for grimalkin and lynx grimalkin. Kitty burmese russian blue, yet savannah but maine coon.

code by EMME

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                                          <span>Título Aquí</span>Subtítulo, frase, información adicional o lo que se quiera.         
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                                <div class="ambiTEN">
                                                  British shorthair ragdoll yet bobcat or malkin balinese russian blue. Manx tomcat. Birman malkin for thai. Cornish rex birman for mouser but cheetah. Egyptian mau malkin ocicat for savannah so tiger.  Russian blue cougar british shorthair and british shorthair lynx yet jaguar mouser. Scottish fold cheetah norwegian forest. Cougar grimalkin so tom and maine coon norwegian forest or persian or panther. Ocicat donskoy leopard but munchkin for grimalkin and lynx grimalkin. Kitty burmese russian blue, yet savannah but maine coon. Puma abyssinian and bombay but jaguar, or sphynx jaguar or russian blue. American bobtail jaguar. British shorthair munchkin, persian for tom for american bobtail. British shorthair tomcat turkish angora yet havana brown. Ocelot leopard but abyssinian . Tabby cornish rex manx so scottish fold. Turkish angora kitten kitten so lynx and mouser and balinese.  Thai. Jaguar persian, and lion so russian blue and bengal persian or siberian.         
                        <div class="xxTEN bb">
                                <div class="tamTEN">
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                                <div class="anuTEN">
                                                  <span><strong>01/01</strong>Turkish angora kitten kitten so lynx and mouser and balinese. </span><span><strong>02/02</strong>British shorthair munchkin, persian for tom for american bobtail. </span><span><strong>03/03</strong>Scottish fold cheetah norwegian forest.</span><span><strong>04/04</strong>Puma abyssinian and bombay but jaguar, or sphynx jaguar or russian blue.</span><span><strong>05/05</strong>Kitty burmese russian blue, yet savannah but maine coon.</span>         
                        <div class="xxTEN cc">
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                                <div style="background: url(;" class="cliTEN">
                                                  <span>Estamos en <strong>Invierno</strong>16° / 7°</span>         
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                                                <div style="background: url(;" class="ueTEN">
                                                                  <em>Sabías que...</em><span>Cornish rex birman for mouser but cheetah.</span>         
                                                <div style="background: url(;" class="ueTEN">
                                                                  <em>Sabías que...</em><span>British shorthair ragdoll yet bobcat or malkin balinese russian blue.</span>         
                                                <div style="background: url(;" class="ueTEN">
                                                                  <em>Sabías que...</em><span>Egyptian mau malkin ocicat for savannah so tiger.  Cornish rex birman for mouser but cheetah.</span>         
                                                <div style="background: url(;" class="ueTEN">
                                                                  <em>Sabías que...</em><span>Manx tomcat. Birman malkin for thai.</span>         
                                                <div style="background: url(;" class="ueTEN">
                                                                  <em>Sabías que...</em><span>Cornish rex birman for mouser but cheetah.</span>         
                        <div class="xxTEN ii">
                                <div class="tamTEN">
                                                  <em class="fas fa-fist-raised"> </em>Créditos         
                                <div class="creTEN">
                                                  Russian blue cougar british shorthair and british shorthair lynx yet jaguar mouser. <a href="URL">Así luce un enlace.</a> Scottish fold cheetah norwegian forest. Cougar grimalkin so tom and maine coon norwegian forest or persian or panther. Ocicat donskoy leopard but munchkin for grimalkin and lynx grimalkin. Kitty burmese russian blue, yet savannah but maine coon.         
                </div><a class="miTEN" href="">code by EMME</a>         
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Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:49


Renacer Es...
Nacer de nuevo [un ser vivo] después de la muerte real o aparente.

Es volver a la vida.

Primer Pestaña

Subtitulo I Aquí

Chocolate danish pie dessert oat cake. Jelly-o tootsie roll carrot cake gingerbread cake. Jujubes tart fruitcake. Tootsie roll sweet roll carrot cake ice cream halvah dessert macaroon.

Toffee gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar dessert lollipop lollipop. Chocolate bar pudding jelly beans lemon drops fruitcake ice cream. Biscuit chocolate caramels. Dragée donut chocolate bar croissant.

Chupa chups cotton candy candy canes apple pie lemon drops candy canes. Lollipop jelly pudding apple pie sweet roll halvah marshmallow jujubes dessert. Cake lollipop dragée jelly.

Chupa chups marshmallow candy canes cotton candy. Cake dessert chocolate bar chocolate cake. Chocolate icing sugar plum macaroon chocolate bar tart liquorice danish.

Marzipan candy canes chupa chups bear claw chupa chups biscuit. Brownie cotton candy carrot cake candy canes muffin. Dragée wafer marshmallow cake chocolate fruitcake. Danish wafer macaroon jujubes cheesecake dragée.

Segunda Pestaña

Subtitulo II Aquí

Toffee gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar dessert lollipop lollipop. Chocolate bar pudding jelly beans lemon drops fruitcake ice cream. Biscuit chocolate caramels. Dragée donut chocolate bar croissant.

Chupa chups cotton candy candy canes apple pie lemon drops candy canes. Lollipop jelly pudding apple pie sweet roll halvah marshmallow jujubes dessert. Cake lollipop dragée jelly.

Chupa chups marshmallow candy canes cotton candy. Cake dessert chocolate bar chocolate cake. Chocolate icing sugar plum macaroon chocolate bar tart liquorice danish.

Marzipan candy canes chupa chups bear claw chupa chups biscuit. Brownie cotton candy carrot cake candy canes muffin. Dragée wafer marshmallow cake chocolate fruitcake. Danish wafer macaroon jujubes cheesecake dragée.

Tercer Pestaña

Subtitulo III Aquí

Toffee gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar dessert lollipop lollipop. Chocolate bar pudding jelly beans lemon drops fruitcake ice cream. Biscuit chocolate caramels. Dragée donut chocolate bar croissant.

Chupa chups cotton candy candy canes apple pie lemon drops candy canes. Lollipop jelly pudding apple pie sweet roll halvah marshmallow jujubes dessert. Cake lollipop dragée jelly.

Chupa chups marshmallow candy canes cotton candy. Cake dessert chocolate bar chocolate cake. Chocolate icing sugar plum macaroon chocolate bar tart liquorice danish.

Marzipan candy canes chupa chups bear claw chupa chups biscuit. Brownie cotton candy carrot cake candy canes muffin. Dragée wafer marshmallow cake chocolate fruitcake. Danish wafer macaroon jujubes cheesecake dragée.

Cuarta Pestaña

Subtitulo IV Aquí

Toffee gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar dessert lollipop lollipop. Chocolate bar pudding jelly beans lemon drops fruitcake ice cream. Biscuit chocolate caramels. Dragée donut chocolate bar croissant.

Chupa chups cotton candy candy canes apple pie lemon drops candy canes. Lollipop jelly pudding apple pie sweet roll halvah marshmallow jujubes dessert. Cake lollipop dragée jelly.

Chupa chups marshmallow candy canes cotton candy. Cake dessert chocolate bar chocolate cake. Chocolate icing sugar plum macaroon chocolate bar tart liquorice danish.

Marzipan candy canes chupa chups bear claw chupa chups biscuit. Brownie cotton candy carrot cake candy canes muffin. Dragée wafer marshmallow cake chocolate fruitcake. Danish wafer macaroon jujubes cheesecake dragée.

Quinta Pestaña

Subtitulo V Aquí

Toffee gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar dessert lollipop lollipop. Chocolate bar pudding jelly beans lemon drops fruitcake ice cream. Biscuit chocolate caramels. Dragée donut chocolate bar croissant.

Chupa chups cotton candy candy canes apple pie lemon drops candy canes. Lollipop jelly pudding apple pie sweet roll halvah marshmallow jujubes dessert. Cake lollipop dragée jelly.

Chupa chups marshmallow candy canes cotton candy. Cake dessert chocolate bar chocolate cake. Chocolate icing sugar plum macaroon chocolate bar tart liquorice danish.

Marzipan candy canes chupa chups bear claw chupa chups biscuit. Brownie cotton candy carrot cake candy canes muffin. Dragée wafer marshmallow cake chocolate fruitcake. Danish wafer macaroon jujubes cheesecake dragée.


<div class="MM050"><div class="MM050-img" style="background-image: url(;">

<div class="MM050-tt">Renacer</div>

<input type="radio" name="MM050" id="MM050-0" checked><label style="display: none;"></label><div class="MM050-c m1"><div><div class="MM050-iimg" style="background-image: url(;"></div></div>
<b>Renacer Es...</b>
<span>Nacer de nuevo [un ser vivo] después de la muerte real o aparente.

Es volver a la vida.</span>

<input type="radio" name="MM050" id="MM050-1"><label for="MM050-1">Primero</label><div class="MM050-c">
<div class="MM050-up">Primer Pestaña<label for="MM050-0"></label></div>
<div class="MM050-dimg" style="background-image: url(;"></div>
<div class="MM050-sub">Subtitulo I Aquí</div>
<div class="MM050-txt">Chocolate danish pie dessert oat cake. Jelly-o tootsie roll carrot cake gingerbread cake. Jujubes tart fruitcake. Tootsie roll sweet roll carrot cake ice cream halvah dessert macaroon.

Toffee gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar dessert lollipop lollipop. Chocolate bar pudding jelly beans lemon drops fruitcake ice cream. Biscuit chocolate caramels. Dragée donut chocolate bar croissant.

Chupa chups cotton candy candy canes apple pie lemon drops candy canes. Lollipop jelly pudding apple pie sweet roll halvah marshmallow jujubes dessert. Cake lollipop dragée jelly.

Chupa chups marshmallow candy canes cotton candy. Cake dessert chocolate bar chocolate cake. Chocolate icing sugar plum macaroon chocolate bar tart liquorice danish.

Marzipan candy canes chupa chups bear claw chupa chups biscuit. Brownie cotton candy carrot cake candy canes muffin. Dragée wafer marshmallow cake chocolate fruitcake. Danish wafer macaroon jujubes cheesecake dragée.</div></div>

<input type="radio" name="MM050" id="MM050-2"><label for="MM050-2">Segundo</label><div class="MM050-c">
<div class="MM050-up">Segunda Pestaña<label for="MM050-0"></label></div>
<div class="MM050-dimg" style="background-image: url(;"></div>
<div class="MM050-sub">Subtitulo II Aquí</div>
<div class="MM050-txt">Toffee gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar dessert lollipop lollipop. Chocolate bar pudding jelly beans lemon drops fruitcake ice cream. Biscuit chocolate caramels. Dragée donut chocolate bar croissant.

Chupa chups cotton candy candy canes apple pie lemon drops candy canes. Lollipop jelly pudding apple pie sweet roll halvah marshmallow jujubes dessert. Cake lollipop dragée jelly.

Chupa chups marshmallow candy canes cotton candy. Cake dessert chocolate bar chocolate cake. Chocolate icing sugar plum macaroon chocolate bar tart liquorice danish.

Marzipan candy canes chupa chups bear claw chupa chups biscuit. Brownie cotton candy carrot cake candy canes muffin. Dragée wafer marshmallow cake chocolate fruitcake. Danish wafer macaroon jujubes cheesecake dragée.</div>

<input type="radio" name="MM050" id="MM050-3"><label for="MM050-3">Tercero</label><div class="MM050-c">
<div class="MM050-up">Tercer Pestaña<label for="MM050-0"></label></div>
<div class="MM050-dimg" style="background-image: url(;"></div>
<div class="MM050-sub">Subtitulo III Aquí</div>
<div class="MM050-txt">Toffee gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar dessert lollipop lollipop. Chocolate bar pudding jelly beans lemon drops fruitcake ice cream. Biscuit chocolate caramels. Dragée donut chocolate bar croissant.

Chupa chups cotton candy candy canes apple pie lemon drops candy canes. Lollipop jelly pudding apple pie sweet roll halvah marshmallow jujubes dessert. Cake lollipop dragée jelly.

Chupa chups marshmallow candy canes cotton candy. Cake dessert chocolate bar chocolate cake. Chocolate icing sugar plum macaroon chocolate bar tart liquorice danish.

Marzipan candy canes chupa chups bear claw chupa chups biscuit. Brownie cotton candy carrot cake candy canes muffin. Dragée wafer marshmallow cake chocolate fruitcake. Danish wafer macaroon jujubes cheesecake dragée.</div>

<input type="radio" name="MM050" id="MM050-4"><label for="MM050-4">Cuarto</label><div class="MM050-c">
<div class="MM050-up">Cuarta Pestaña<label for="MM050-0"></label></div>
<div class="MM050-dimg" style="background-image: url(;"></div>
<div class="MM050-sub">Subtitulo IV Aquí</div>
<div class="MM050-txt">Toffee gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar dessert lollipop lollipop. Chocolate bar pudding jelly beans lemon drops fruitcake ice cream. Biscuit chocolate caramels. Dragée donut chocolate bar croissant.

Chupa chups cotton candy candy canes apple pie lemon drops candy canes. Lollipop jelly pudding apple pie sweet roll halvah marshmallow jujubes dessert. Cake lollipop dragée jelly.

Chupa chups marshmallow candy canes cotton candy. Cake dessert chocolate bar chocolate cake. Chocolate icing sugar plum macaroon chocolate bar tart liquorice danish.

Marzipan candy canes chupa chups bear claw chupa chups biscuit. Brownie cotton candy carrot cake candy canes muffin. Dragée wafer marshmallow cake chocolate fruitcake. Danish wafer macaroon jujubes cheesecake dragée.</div>

<input type="radio" name="MM050" id="MM050-5"><label for="MM050-5">Quinto</label><div class="MM050-c">
<div class="MM050-up">Quinta Pestaña<label for="MM050-0"></label></div>
<div class="MM050-dimg" style="background-image: url(;"></div>
<div class="MM050-sub">Subtitulo V Aquí</div>
<div class="MM050-txt">Toffee gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar dessert lollipop lollipop. Chocolate bar pudding jelly beans lemon drops fruitcake ice cream. Biscuit chocolate caramels. Dragée donut chocolate bar croissant.

Chupa chups cotton candy candy canes apple pie lemon drops candy canes. Lollipop jelly pudding apple pie sweet roll halvah marshmallow jujubes dessert. Cake lollipop dragée jelly.

Chupa chups marshmallow candy canes cotton candy. Cake dessert chocolate bar chocolate cake. Chocolate icing sugar plum macaroon chocolate bar tart liquorice danish.

Marzipan candy canes chupa chups bear claw chupa chups biscuit. Brownie cotton candy carrot cake candy canes muffin. Dragée wafer marshmallow cake chocolate fruitcake. Danish wafer macaroon jujubes cheesecake dragée.</div>

</div></div><a class="miMM" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a><link href=";700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><style>.MM050, .MM050 * { box-sizing: border-box; scrollbar-color: #CCC #0002 !important; scrollbar-width: thin; transition: .5s; } .MM050 input, .MM050 br { display: none; } .MM050 { width: 500px; margin: auto; min-height: 300px; border: 5px solid #FFF; background: #EEE; outline: 1px solid #CCC; font: 10px Montserrat; color: #444; text-align: center; display: flex; position: relative; } .MM050 div[class*="img"] { background-position: center; background-size: cover; } .MM050-img { width: 150px; border: 1px solid #CCC; padding: 8px; } .MM050-tt { border: 1px solid #CCC; background: #FFF; font: 14px Lora; letter-spacing: 1px; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 300px; } .MM050-c { position: absolute; border: 1px solid #CCC; top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; left: 150px; display: flex; justify-content: center; flex-direction: column; pointer-events: none; filter: blur(30px); opacity: 0; transition: 1s; } .MM050-c.m1 { padding: 60px; } .MM050-c.m1 > div { width: 70px; height: 70px; min-height: 70px; box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px #FFF, 0 0 0 6px #CCC; border: 1px solid #CCC; margin: 30px auto; transform: rotate(45deg); position: relative; overflow: hidden; } .MM050-iimg { position: absolute; top: -20px; left: -20px; right: -20px; bottom: -20px; transform: rotate(-45deg); } .MM050-c.m1 > b { font: 14px Lora; letter-spacing: 1px; } .MM050-c.m1 > b::after { content: ""; display: block; width: 50px; border-top: 1px solid #AAA; margin: 10px auto; } .MM050-img > label { border: 1px solid #CCC; display: block; margin: 5px 0 0; background: #FFFC; padding: 6px 5px 3px 7px; cursor: crosshair; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 2px; } .MM050-img input:checked + label { background: #FFF; } .MM050-img input:checked + label + .MM050-c { pointer-events: auto; filter: blur(0px); opacity: 1; background: #EEE; } .MM050-up { display: flex; border: 1px solid #CCC; margin: 5px; background: #FFF; padding-left: 5px; align-items: center; letter-spacing: 3px; } .MM050-up label { border-left: 1px solid #CCC; width: 20px; height: 20px; margin-left: auto; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; cursor: crosshair; padding: 0; letter-spacing: 0; } .MM050-up label::before { content:"\01F5D9"; } .MM050-up label:hover { font-size: 12px; } .MM050-txt { flex: 1; border: 30px solid transparent; margin: 6px; background: #FFF; overflow: auto; outline: 1px solid #CCC; text-align: justify; padding-right: 5px; hyphens: auto; } .MM050-dimg { height: 100px; margin: 1px 6px; border: 5px solid #FFF; outline: 1px solid #CCC; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #DDD; } .MM050-sub { font: 12px Lora; letter-spacing: 1px; border: 1px solid #CCC; margin: 5px 5px 0; background: #FFF; padding: 5px; } .MM050-txt br, .MM050-c > span br { display: block; } .MM050-txt br + br, .MM050-c > span br + br { margin: 5px; } .MM050 div::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px !important; height: 5px !important; background: #0002 !important; } .MM050 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #CCC !important; } .miMM { display: block; font: bold 10px Calibri; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; transition: 0.5s; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 3px; color: #444; } .miMM:hover { letter-spacing: 3px; }</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:50
Instagram (Nombre)

@nicknameFrase representativa del personaje. No muy larga.


Instagram (New!)
@nicknameHa comenzado a seguirte.

Instagram (New!)

@nikname Comentario. Algo sincero desde el fondo de su bonito corazón.

@nikname2 Comentarios infinitos.



<div class="mm-mov chat"><b></b><div class="mm-mov-tt">Instagram (Nombre)</div><div class="mm-mov-txt"><div class="mm-mov-fo">
<div><img src=""><span><b>@nickname</b><i>Frase representativa del personaje. No muy larga.</i></span></div><b>

<div style="background-image: url(;"></div>
<div style="background-image: url(;"></div>
<div style="background-image: url(;"></div>
<div style="background-image: url(;"></div>
<div style="background-image: url(;"></div>
<div style="background-image: url(;"></div>
<div style="background-image: url(;"></div>
<div style="background-image: url(;"></div>
<div style="background-image: url(;"></div>

</b></div></div></div><a class="miMM" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a>

<div class="mm-mov chat"><b></b><div class="mm-mov-tt">Instagram (New!)</div><div class="mm-mov-txt"><div class="mm-mov-fo"><div><img src=""><span><b>@nickname</b><i>Ha comenzado a seguirte.</i></span></div></div></div></div><a class="miMM" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a>

<div class="mm-mov chat"><b></b><div class="mm-mov-tt">Instagram (New!)</div><div class="mm-mov-txt"><div class="mm-mov-fo gr"><img src="">

<span><b>@nikname</b> Comentario. Algo sincero desde el fondo de su bonito corazón.

<b>@nikname2</b> Comentarios infinitos.</span>

</div></div></div></div><a class="miMM" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a>

<style>.mm-mov { --mov-a: #d79b9a; --mov-b: #abb7a9; --mov-c: #a0b5b9; --mov-bor: #a3a7b1; --mov-txt: #45433f; --mov-fon-1: #eee6e3; --mov-fon-2: #d9c7c0; } .mm-mov br { display: none; } .mm-mov { background: var(--mov-fon-2); border: 1px solid var(--mov-bor); border-radius: 10px; width: 330px; margin: auto; position: relative; font: 10px calibri; color: var(--mov-txt); letter-spacing: 1px; overflow: hidden; } .mm-mov-tt { text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; margin: 5px 5px -1px; border: 1px solid var(--mov-bor); display: inline-block; background: var(--mov-fon-1); padding: 2px 5px; border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0; border-bottom: 0; position: relative; } .mm-mov-txt { background: var(--mov-fon-1); border-top: 1px solid var(--mov-bor); padding: 15px; } .mm-mov::before, .mm-mov::after, .mm-mov > b { position: absolute; top: 6px; right: 6px; width: 10px; height: 10px; border-radius: 50%; background: var(--mov-c); border: 1px solid var(--mov-fon-1); content:""; } .mm-mov::before { background: var(--mov-a); right: 33px; } .mm-mov::after { background: var(--mov-b); right: 19px; } .mm-mov-fo { border: 1px solid var(--mov-bor); border-radius: 5px; padding: 10px; text-align: left; box-shadow: inset 0 0 70px -10px var(--mov-fon-2); } .mm-mov-fo > div { display: flex; align-items: center; } .mm-mov-fo > div > img { padding: 3px; border-radius: 15px; min-width: 76px; min-height: 76px; background: var(--mov-fon-1); border: 1px dotted var(--mov-bor); } .mm-mov-fo > div > span { padding: 10px; } > div b, .mm-mov-fo > div > span > b { display: block; font-size: 14px; color: var(--mov-txt); } .mm-mov-fo > b { display: flex; border-top: 1px dotted; margin: 10px -10px -10px; flex-wrap: wrap; padding: 7.5px; } .mm-mov-fo > b > div { border: 1px dotted var(--mov-bor); margin: 2.5px; min-width: 30%; flex: 1; height: 87px; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 3px var(--mov-fon-1); background-position: center; background-size: cover; } .mm-mov-fo > b > div:nth-of-type(1) { border-radius: 15px 0 0 0; } .mm-mov-fo > b > div:nth-of-type(3) { border-radius: 0 15px 0 0; } .mm-mov-fo > b > div:nth-of-type(7) { border-radius: 0 0 0 15px; } .mm-mov-fo > b > div:nth-of-type(9) { border-radius: 0 0 15px 0; } > img { width: 100%; border: 1px dotted var(--mov-bor); padding: 3px; background: var(--mov-fon-1); border-radius: 15px; } > div { border-top: 1px dotted var(--mov-bor); margin: 10px -10px -10px; padding: 10px; flex-wrap: wrap; } > div > b { flex: 1; } > div > span b { display: inline; font-size: 12px; } > div > span br { display: block; margin: 5px; } .miMM { display: block; font: bold 10px Calibri; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; transition: 0.5s; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 3px; color: #444; } .miMM:hover { letter-spacing: 3px; }</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:51

What's your color?

Gummi bears gummi bears toffee.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.

Gummi bears gummi bears toffee. Cake marshmallow muffin lemon drops muffin cupcake. Topping jelly candy gingerbread. Brownie cheesecake candy tart candy canes.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.

Topping jelly candy gingerbread. Brownie cheesecake candy tart candy canes.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.

Gummi bears gummi bears toffee. Cake marshmallow muffin lemon drops muffin cupcake. Topping jelly candy gingerbread. Brownie cheesecake candy tart candy canes.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.

Gummi bears gummi bears toffee. Cake marshmallow muffin lemon drops muffin cupcake. Topping jelly candy gingerbread. Brownie cheesecake candy tart candy canes.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.

Topping jelly candy gingerbread. Brownie cheesecake candy tart candy canes.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.


<div class="MM040"><input type="radio" name="MM040" id="MM040-0" checked><input type="radio" name="MM040" id="MM040-1"><input type="radio" name="MM040" id="MM040-2"><input type="radio" name="MM040" id="MM040-3"><input type="radio" name="MM040" id="MM040-4"><input type="radio" name="MM040" id="MM040-5"><input type="radio" name="MM040" id="MM040-6"><input type="radio" name="MM040" id="MM040-7"><input type="radio" name="MM040" id="MM040-8">

<div class="MM040-i"><div class="MM040-tt"><b>What's your color?</b><i></i></div><div class="MM040-p">

</***pag 01***/>
<label for="MM040-0"><b><span class="th th-broom"></span>Escoge con Sabiduría</b></label><div class="MM040-0">
<div><span>Gummi bears gummi bears toffee.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.</span></div>

</***pag 02***/>
<label for="MM040-1"><b><span class="th th-broom"></span>Rosa</b></label><div class="MM040-1">
<div><div style="background-image: url(;"></div><span>Gummi bears gummi bears toffee. Cake marshmallow muffin lemon drops muffin cupcake. Topping jelly candy gingerbread. Brownie cheesecake candy tart candy canes.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.</span></div>

</***pag 03***/>
<label for="MM040-2"><b><span class="th th-broom"></span>Violeta</b></label><div class="MM040-2">
<div><div style="background-image: url(;"></div><span>Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.</span></div>

</***pag 04***/>
<label for="MM040-3"><b><span class="th th-broom"></span>Azul</b></label><div class="MM040-3">
<div><div style="background-image: url(;"></div><span>Topping jelly candy gingerbread. Brownie cheesecake candy tart candy canes.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.</span></div>

</***pag 05***/>
<label for="MM040-4"><b><span class="th th-broom"></span>Celeste</b></label><div class="MM040-4">
<div><div style="background-image: url(;"></div><span>Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.</span></div>

</***pag 06***/>
<label for="MM040-5"><b><span class="th th-broom"></span>Verde</b></label><div class="MM040-5">
<div><div style="background-image: url(;"></div><span>Gummi bears gummi bears toffee. Cake marshmallow muffin lemon drops muffin cupcake. Topping jelly candy gingerbread. Brownie cheesecake candy tart candy canes.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.</span></div>

</***pag 07***/>
<label for="MM040-6"><b><span class="th th-broom"></span>Lima</b></label><div class="MM040-6">
<div><div style="background-image: url(;"></div><span>Gummi bears gummi bears toffee. Cake marshmallow muffin lemon drops muffin cupcake. Topping jelly candy gingerbread. Brownie cheesecake candy tart candy canes.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.</span></div>

</***pag 08***/>
<label for="MM040-7"><b><span class="th th-broom"></span>Amarillo</b></label><div class="MM040-7">
<div><div style="background-image: url(;"></div><span>Topping jelly candy gingerbread. Brownie cheesecake candy tart candy canes.

Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.</span></div>

</***pag 09***/>
<label for="MM040-8"><b><span class="th th-broom"></span>Naranja</b></label><div class="MM040-8">
<div><div style="background-image: url(;"></div><span>Tart chocolate bar chupa chups gummi bears halvah jelly-o pudding sugar plum lemon drops. Jelly toffee macaroon tiramisu caramels danish sugar plum gummies. Apple pie pastry tart tiramisu jujubes powder wafer.

Jelly beans ice cream soufflé tiramisu macaroon gummi bears gummies. Chocolate cotton candy muffin pudding caramels macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups brownie sweet roll jelly beans powder tootsie roll muffin gingerbread.</span></div>

</div></div></div><a class="miMM" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a><link href="//" rel="stylesheet"><style>.MM040, .MM040 * { box-sizing: border-box; scrollbar-color: var(--mm-01) #0002 !important; scrollbar-width: thin; transition: .5s; } .MM040 input, .MM040 br { display: none; } #MM040-0:checked ~ div { --mm-01: #d08591; } #MM040-1:checked ~ div { --mm-01: #d085c1; } #MM040-2:checked ~ div { --mm-01: #ae85d0; } #MM040-3:checked ~ div { --mm-01: #8586d0; } #MM040-4:checked ~ div { --mm-01: #85c9d0; } #MM040-5:checked ~ div { --mm-01: #85d09f; } #MM040-6:checked ~ div { --mm-01: #9cd085; } #MM040-7:checked ~ div { --mm-01: #d0c885; } #MM040-8:checked ~ div { --mm-01: #d0a185; } .MM040-p label[for*="-0"]{ background: #d08591; } .MM040-p label[for*="-1"]{ background: #d085c1; } .MM040-p label[for*="-2"]{ background: #ae85d0; } .MM040-p label[for*="-3"]{ background: #8586d0; } .MM040-p label[for*="-4"]{ background: #85c9d0; } .MM040-p label[for*="-5"]{ background: #85d09f; } .MM040-p label[for*="-6"]{ background: #9cd085; 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Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:51

<div class="MM039" style="background-image: url("><label><input type="checkbox"><div>

<span class="th th-sugar-cane"></span>
<div class="MM039-txt">Powder lollipop lollipop jelly-o lollipop biscuit dessert. Dragée pastry cotton candy chocolate jelly beans chocolate wafer cake bear claw. Pudding liquorice ice cream.

Powder gummi bears soufflé pie. Gingerbread soufflé soufflé powder sesame snaps chupa chups. Candy canes donut pastry gingerbread candy canes fruitcake bonbon jujubes chocolate bar.</div>


<div class="MM039-hi"><div>
<div class="MM039-img" style="background-image: url("></div>
<div class="MM039-x">Candy canes liquorice sweet chocolate sugar plum topping. Candy canes pie candy canes. Gummi bears carrot cake danish.

Jelly-o sweet macaroon sugar plum cake toffee pudding wafer chocolate bar. Marshmallow tart chupa chups pie apple pie soufflé. Sweet fruitcake chupa chups jujubes jelly-o jelly beans.

Chupa chups donut powder candy. Soufflé chocolate tiramisu carrot cake chocolate. Liquorice topping sweet roll gummies oat cake topping carrot cake icing.

Cake tootsie roll lollipop wafer brownie. Wafer tiramisu jelly dessert. Sweet chocolate bar fruitcake carrot cake. Sweet marzipan powder chupa chups.

Donut chupa chups pudding toffee oat cake icing tootsie roll fruitcake. Carrot cake dragée danish macaroon biscuit gingerbread candy pudding jujubes. Sweet carrot cake apple pie bonbon croissant gummies.</div>

</div></label></div><a class="miMM" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a><link href="//" rel="stylesheet"><link href=";700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><style>.MM039, .MM039 * { box-sizing: border-box; scrollbar-color: var(--mm-04) #0002 !important; scrollbar-width: thin; transition: .5s; } @font-face { font-family: Ailerons; src: url(; } .MM039 input, .MM039 br { display: none; } .MM039 { --mm-01: #1b252e; --mm-02: #c7c8d4; --mm-03: #33443c; --mm-04: #4b6f5e; width: 540px; margin: auto; padding: 20px; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-height: 300px; border: 1px solid var(--mm-03); } .MM039 label { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .MM039 > label > div { min-height: 300px; background: var(--mm-01); padding: 20px; text-align: center; color: var(--mm-02); margin-left: 307px; border: 1px solid var(--mm-03); display: flex; flex-direction: column; font: 12px Lato; position: relative; } .MM039 > label > div > span { font-size: 26px; color: var(--mm-04); margin: 20px 0 0; } .MM039 > label > div > b { font: 20px Ailerons; margin: 10px; letter-spacing: -3px; } .MM039 > label > div > b::after { content: ""; width: 50px; border-top: 2px solid var(--mm-04); display: block; margin: 10px auto 0; } .MM039 > label > div > a { margin: 15px auto; background: var(--mm-03); color: var(--mm-02); font: bold 10px Lato; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 10px; padding: 5px 5px 5px 15px; cursor: pointer; } .MM039 > label > div > a:hover { background: var(--mm-04); } .MM039 > label > div > a::before { content: "Más"; } .MM039 > label > input:checked ~ div > a::before { content: "Menos"; } .MM039 > label > input:checked ~ div { margin: 0 307px 0 0; } .MM039-hi { position: absolute; top: -1px; bottom: -1px; left: calc(100% + 7px); width: 0px; overflow: hidden; } .MM039-hi > div { background: var(--mm-01); border: 1px solid var(--mm-03); width: 300px; height: 100%; } .MM039 > label > input:checked ~ div .MM039-hi { width: 300px; } .MM039-txt { font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; } .MM039-hi > div { background: var(--mm-01); border: 1px solid var(--mm-03); width: 300px; height: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; padding: 20px; } .MM039-img { height: 120px; border: 1px solid var(--mm-04); padding: 5px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; background-clip: content-box; } .MM039-x { margin: 10px; flex: 1; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; } .MM039-x br, .MM039-txt br { display: block; } .MM039-x br + br, .MM039-txt br + br { margin: 5px; } .MM039 div::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px !important; height: 5px !important; background: #0002 !important; } .MM039 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: var(--mm-04) !important; } .miMM { display: block; font: bold 10px Calibri; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; transition: 0.5s; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 3px; color: #444; } .miMM:hover { letter-spacing: 3px; }</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 1:52
Mini Título

Subtitulo IDragée topping dessert. Chocolate bar apple pie biscuit sweet roll lemon drops. Gummies jelly-o powder danish. Gingerbread cupcake cupcake.

Lemon drops muffin jelly beans gingerbread. Fruitcake chocolate tart sweet roll chupa chups sweet roll. Tart powder pastry sesame snaps marshmallow halvah cheesecake.

Dragée cake bonbon lollipop.

Wafer sugar plum liquorice sesame snaps marshmallow. Macaroon dessert croissant cake macaroon cake sesame snaps icing pie.

Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups. Cheesecake soufflé caramels. Cupcake biscuit brownie candy. Gummi bears muffin sweet ice cream macaroon danish icing.

Subtitulo IIDragée topping dessert. Chocolate bar apple pie biscuit sweet roll lemon drops. Gummies jelly-o powder danish. Gingerbread cupcake cupcake.

Lemon drops muffin jelly beans gingerbread. Fruitcake chocolate tart sweet roll chupa chups sweet roll. Tart powder pastry sesame snaps marshmallow halvah cheesecake.

Dragée cake bonbon lollipop. Wafer sugar plum liquorice sesame snaps marshmallow. Macaroon dessert croissant cake macaroon cake sesame snaps icing pie.

Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups. Cheesecake soufflé caramels. Cupcake biscuit brownie candy. Gummi bears muffin sweet ice cream macaroon danish icing.

Subtitulo IIIDragée topping dessert. Chocolate bar apple pie biscuit sweet roll lemon drops. Gummies jelly-o powder danish. Gingerbread cupcake cupcake.

Lemon drops muffin jelly beans gingerbread. Fruitcake chocolate tart sweet roll chupa chups sweet roll. Tart powder pastry sesame snaps marshmallow halvah cheesecake.

Dragée cake bonbon lollipop. Wafer sugar plum liquorice sesame snaps marshmallow. Macaroon dessert croissant cake macaroon cake sesame snaps icing pie.

Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups. Cheesecake soufflé caramels. Cupcake biscuit brownie candy. Gummi bears muffin sweet ice cream macaroon danish icing.

Subtitulo IVDragée topping dessert. Chocolate bar apple pie biscuit sweet roll lemon drops. Gummies jelly-o powder danish. Gingerbread cupcake cupcake.

Lemon drops muffin jelly beans gingerbread. Fruitcake chocolate tart sweet roll chupa chups sweet roll. Tart powder pastry sesame snaps marshmallow halvah cheesecake.

Dragée cake bonbon lollipop. Wafer sugar plum liquorice sesame snaps marshmallow. Macaroon dessert croissant cake macaroon cake sesame snaps icing pie.

Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups. Cheesecake soufflé caramels. Cupcake biscuit brownie candy. Gummi bears muffin sweet ice cream macaroon danish icing.

Subtitulo VDragée topping dessert. Chocolate bar apple pie biscuit sweet roll lemon drops. Gummies jelly-o powder danish. Gingerbread cupcake cupcake.

Lemon drops muffin jelly beans gingerbread. Fruitcake chocolate tart sweet roll chupa chups sweet roll. Tart powder pastry sesame snaps marshmallow halvah cheesecake.

Dragée cake bonbon lollipop. Wafer sugar plum liquorice sesame snaps marshmallow. Macaroon dessert croissant cake macaroon cake sesame snaps icing pie.

Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups. Cheesecake soufflé caramels. Cupcake biscuit brownie candy. Gummi bears muffin sweet ice cream macaroon danish icing.

Subtitulo VIDragée topping dessert. Chocolate bar apple pie biscuit sweet roll lemon drops. Gummies jelly-o powder danish. Gingerbread cupcake cupcake.

Lemon drops muffin jelly beans gingerbread. Fruitcake chocolate tart sweet roll chupa chups sweet roll. Tart powder pastry sesame snaps marshmallow halvah cheesecake.

Dragée cake bonbon lollipop. Wafer sugar plum liquorice sesame snaps marshmallow. Macaroon dessert croissant cake macaroon cake sesame snaps icing pie.

Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups. Cheesecake soufflé caramels. Cupcake biscuit brownie candy. Gummi bears muffin sweet ice cream macaroon danish icing.


<div class="MM037-a"><b></b><b></b><div class="MM037"><div><b>Mini Título</b><div class="MM037-ro">

<input type="radio" name="MM037" id="MM037-1" checked><label for="MM037-1"></label><div class="MM037-1"><i class="sf sf-carrot"></i><b>Subtitulo I</b><span>Dragée topping dessert. Chocolate bar apple pie biscuit sweet roll lemon drops. Gummies jelly-o powder danish. Gingerbread cupcake cupcake.

Lemon drops muffin jelly beans gingerbread. Fruitcake chocolate tart sweet roll chupa chups sweet roll. Tart powder pastry sesame snaps marshmallow halvah cheesecake.

Dragée cake bonbon lollipop.

Wafer sugar plum liquorice <b>sesame snaps marshmallow</b>. Macaroon dessert croissant cake macaroon cake sesame snaps icing pie.

Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups. Cheesecake soufflé caramels. Cupcake biscuit brownie candy. Gummi bears muffin sweet ice cream macaroon danish icing.</span></div>

<input type="radio" name="MM037" id="MM037-2"><label for="MM037-2"></label><div class="MM037-2"><i class="sf sf-broccoli"></i><b>Subtitulo II</b><span>Dragée topping dessert. Chocolate bar apple pie biscuit sweet roll lemon drops. Gummies jelly-o powder danish. Gingerbread cupcake cupcake.

Lemon drops muffin jelly beans gingerbread. Fruitcake chocolate tart sweet roll chupa chups sweet roll. Tart powder pastry sesame snaps marshmallow halvah cheesecake.

Dragée cake bonbon lollipop. Wafer sugar plum liquorice sesame snaps marshmallow. Macaroon dessert croissant cake macaroon cake sesame snaps icing pie.

Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups. Cheesecake soufflé caramels. Cupcake biscuit brownie candy. Gummi bears muffin sweet ice cream macaroon danish icing.</span></div>

<input type="radio" name="MM037" id="MM037-3"><label for="MM037-3"></label><div class="MM037-3"><i class="sf sf-dragonfly"></i><b>Subtitulo III</b><span>Dragée topping dessert. Chocolate bar apple pie biscuit sweet roll lemon drops. Gummies jelly-o powder danish. Gingerbread cupcake cupcake.

Lemon drops muffin jelly beans gingerbread. Fruitcake chocolate tart sweet roll chupa chups sweet roll. Tart powder pastry sesame snaps marshmallow halvah cheesecake.

Dragée cake bonbon lollipop. Wafer sugar plum liquorice sesame snaps marshmallow. Macaroon dessert croissant cake macaroon cake sesame snaps icing pie.

Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups. Cheesecake soufflé caramels. Cupcake biscuit brownie candy. Gummi bears muffin sweet ice cream macaroon danish icing.</span></div>

<input type="radio" name="MM037" id="MM037-4"><label for="MM037-4"></label><div class="MM037-4"><i class="sf sf-flame"></i><b>Subtitulo IV</b><span>Dragée topping dessert. Chocolate bar apple pie biscuit sweet roll lemon drops. Gummies jelly-o powder danish. Gingerbread cupcake cupcake.

Lemon drops muffin jelly beans gingerbread. Fruitcake chocolate tart sweet roll chupa chups sweet roll. Tart powder pastry sesame snaps marshmallow halvah cheesecake.

Dragée cake bonbon lollipop. Wafer sugar plum liquorice sesame snaps marshmallow. Macaroon dessert croissant cake macaroon cake sesame snaps icing pie.

Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups. Cheesecake soufflé caramels. Cupcake biscuit brownie candy. Gummi bears muffin sweet ice cream macaroon danish icing.</span></div>

<input type="radio" name="MM037" id="MM037-5"><label for="MM037-5"></label><div class="MM037-5"><i class="sf sf-heart-2"></i><b>Subtitulo V</b><span>Dragée topping dessert. Chocolate bar apple pie biscuit sweet roll lemon drops. Gummies jelly-o powder danish. Gingerbread cupcake cupcake.

Lemon drops muffin jelly beans gingerbread. Fruitcake chocolate tart sweet roll chupa chups sweet roll. Tart powder pastry sesame snaps marshmallow halvah cheesecake.

Dragée cake bonbon lollipop. Wafer sugar plum liquorice sesame snaps marshmallow. Macaroon dessert croissant cake macaroon cake sesame snaps icing pie.

Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups. Cheesecake soufflé caramels. Cupcake biscuit brownie candy. Gummi bears muffin sweet ice cream macaroon danish icing.</span></div>

<input type="radio" name="MM037" id="MM037-6"><label for="MM037-6"></label><div class="MM037-6"><i class="sf sf-leaf-2"></i><b>Subtitulo VI</b><span>Dragée topping dessert. Chocolate bar apple pie biscuit sweet roll lemon drops. Gummies jelly-o powder danish. Gingerbread cupcake cupcake.

Lemon drops muffin jelly beans gingerbread. Fruitcake chocolate tart sweet roll chupa chups sweet roll. Tart powder pastry sesame snaps marshmallow halvah cheesecake.

Dragée cake bonbon lollipop. Wafer sugar plum liquorice sesame snaps marshmallow. Macaroon dessert croissant cake macaroon cake sesame snaps icing pie.

Carrot cake macaroon chupa chups. Cheesecake soufflé caramels. Cupcake biscuit brownie candy. Gummi bears muffin sweet ice cream macaroon danish icing.</span></div>

</div></div></div></div><a class="miMM" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a><link href="//" rel="stylesheet"><style>.MM037-a, .MM037-a * { box-sizing: border-box; scrollbar-color: var(--mm-04) #0002 !important; scrollbar-width: thin; transition: .5s; } .MM037-ro > input:checked + label ~ label ~ label, .MM037-ro > input:checked + label, .MM037 input, .MM037 br { display: none; } .MM037-a { --mm-01: #FFF; --mm-02: #e9eaee; --mm-03: #d5dce4; --mm-04: #53bd97; --mm-05: #2f3034; } .MM037 { width: 330px; margin: auto; background: var(--mm-01); border-radius: 40px; box-shadow: inset 5px -5px 15px var(--mm-03), inset 0 0 5px var(--mm-03); padding: 15px; text-align: center; font: 14px calibri; color: var(--mm-05); position: relative; } .MM037-a { position: relative; margin: 80px 0 0; } .MM037-a > b { position: absolute; background: var(--mm-01); bottom: calc(100% - 40px); width: 50px; height: 150px; left: calc(50% - 70px); border-radius: 100%; transform-origin: 50% calc(100% - 40px); transform: rotate(-15deg); box-shadow: inset 3px -3px 5px var(--mm-03); padding: 10px; } .MM037-a > b ~ b { left: calc(50% + 20px); transform: rotate(15deg); } @keyframes toca { 0% {transform: rotate(15deg);} 2% {transform: rotate(30deg);} 4% {transform: rotate(15deg);} 30% {transform: rotate(15deg);} 32% {transform: rotate(40deg);} 35% {transform: rotate(15deg);} 60% {transform: rotate(15deg);} 62% {transform: rotate(20deg);} 64% {transform: rotate(15deg);} 66% {transform: rotate(30deg);} 68% {transform: rotate(15deg);} 100% {transform: rotate(15deg);} } .MM037-a:hover > b ~ b { animation: toca 10s infinite; } .MM037-a > b::before { content: ""; display: block; height: 100%; border-radius: 100%; box-shadow: inset 3px -3px 15px 2px var(--mm-04), 2px -2px 3px var(--mm-03); } .MM037 > div { background: var(--mm-02); border-radius: 25px; position: relative; } .MM037 > div > b { display: inline-block; background: var(--mm-01); padding: 0 8px 3px 10px; font-size: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; border-radius: 0 0 10px 10px; } .MM037-ro { position: relative; height: 450px; overflow: hidden; margin-top: 10px; } .MM037-ro > input:checked + label + div { transform: rotate(0deg); } .MM037-ro > input:checked ~ input + label + div { transform: rotate(60deg); } .MM037-ro > label { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 30px; width: 30px; height: 30px; background: var(--mm-01); border-radius: 10px; cursor: pointer; transition: 0s; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; filter: saturate(0); box-shadow: -2px 2px 3px var(--mm-03); } .MM037-ro > label::before { content: "\e017"; font: 14px saturnicons; color: var(--mm-04); } .MM037-ro > input:checked ~ input + label::before { content: "\e016"; } .MM037-ro > input:checked ~ input + label { right: inherit; left: 30px; } .MM037-ro > label:active { box-shadow: inset -2px 2px 3px var(--mm-03); filter: saturate(1); } .MM037-ro > div { position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 30px; right: 30px; bottom: 30px; transform-origin: 50% 200% 0; transform: rotate(-60deg); display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .MM037-ro > div > b { text-shadow: 1px 1px var(--mm-01), -1px 1px var(--mm-01), 1px -1px var(--mm-01), -1px -1px var(--mm-01), -2px 2px 3px var(--mm-05); letter-spacing: 1px; margin: -5px -10px 5px; display: flex; align-items: center; font-size: 16px; } .MM037-ro > div > b::before, .MM037-ro > div > b::after { content: ""; border-top: 2px solid var(--mm-04); flex: 1; margin: 0 10px; } .MM037-ro > div > span { flex: 1; overflow: auto; text-align: justify; hyphens: auto; } .MM037-ro > div > i { position: absolute; bottom: calc(100% + 20px); left: 50%; font-size: 26px; color: var(--mm-04); transform: translate(-50%); text-shadow: 1px 1px var(--mm-01), -1px 1px var(--mm-01), 1px -1px var(--mm-01), -1px -1px var(--mm-01), -2px 2px 3px var(--mm-05); } .MM037-ro > div > span b { color: var(--mm-04); } .MM037-ro > div > span br { display: block; } .MM037-ro > div > span br + br { margin: 5px; } .MM037 span::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px !important; height: 5px !important; background: #0002 !important; } .MM037 span::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: var(--mm-04) !important; } .miMM { display: block; font: bold 10px Calibri; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; transition: 0.5s; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 3px; color: #444; } .miMM:hover { letter-spacing: 3px; }</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 2:20
10¢Nombre Apellido
Calle, numero. Cod. Postal.
Cuidad, País.
Querido Gato:Powder apple pie sugar plum jelly chocolate jelly beans. Sesame snaps bear claw cotton candy chocolate cake macaroon cupcake sweet jelly-o gummi bears. Cotton candy sugar plum marshmallow marshmallow. Tart candy canes sugar plum.

Cake sweet sweet dessert topping cake tootsie roll muffin powder. Jelly oat cake bonbon jelly beans sweet roll sugar plum jelly cookie. Cotton candy chocolate bar donut tart cotton candy topping cotton candy. Dessert cake carrot cake cake. Dragée topping pastry.

con amor,Nombre

<div class="M94"><div class="reveM94"><div class="baM94 aa"><div><span style="background-image: url(;">10¢</span><img src=""><strong><b>Nombre Apellido</b>
Calle, numero. Cod. Postal.
Cuidad, País. </strong></div></div><div class="baM94" style="background: url("><div class="notaM94" style="background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, #ffeff1, #ffeff1 30px, #FFF 30px, #FFF 60px);"><div><span>Querido Gato:</span>Powder apple pie sugar plum jelly chocolate jelly beans. Sesame snaps bear claw cotton candy chocolate cake macaroon cupcake sweet jelly-o gummi bears. Cotton candy sugar plum marshmallow marshmallow. Tart candy canes sugar plum.

Cake sweet sweet dessert topping cake tootsie roll muffin powder. Jelly oat cake bonbon jelly beans sweet roll sugar plum jelly cookie. Cotton candy chocolate bar donut tart cotton candy topping cotton candy. Dessert cake carrot cake cake. Dragée topping pastry.

<a>con amor,<b>Nombre</b></a></div></div><div class="botM94"><div></div><div></div><div><span class="th th-ladybug-o" style="color: pink;"><a href="" title="Code by Emme" class="miM94">Emme</a></span></div>
</div></div><div class="cubM94 aa"><div><span class="th th-ladybug-o" style="color: pink;"></span></div></div><div class="cubM94 bb"><div style="background: url("></div></div></div></div>

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"><link href="|Caveat|Montserrat&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><link href="" rel="stylesheet">
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 2:36
Nombre ApellidoInventario

Nombre ÍtemCantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX

Nombre ÍtemCantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX

Nombre ÍtemCantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX

Nombre ÍtemCantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX

Nombre ÍtemCantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX

Nombre ÍtemCantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX

Nombre ÍtemCantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX

Nombre ÍtemCantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX

Nombre ÍtemCantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX


<div class="M96" style="color: #FFF; background: #ffc205;"><img src="" class="imM96"><div class="ttM96"><strong>Nombre Apellido</strong>Inventario</div><div class="fleM96"></div><div class="itM96">

<div><strong>Nombre Ítem</strong><i><img src=""></i><span>Cantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX</span></div>

<div><strong>Nombre Ítem</strong><i><img src=""></i><span>Cantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX</span></div>

<div><strong>Nombre Ítem</strong><i><img src=""></i><span>Cantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX</span></div>

<div><strong>Nombre Ítem</strong><i><img src=""></i><span>Cantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX</span></div>

<div><strong>Nombre Ítem</strong><i><img src=""></i><span>Cantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX</span></div>

<div><strong>Nombre Ítem</strong><i><img src=""></i><span>Cantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX</span></div>

<div><strong>Nombre Ítem</strong><i><img src=""></i><span>Cantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX</span></div>

<div><strong>Nombre Ítem</strong><i><img src=""></i><span>Cantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX</span></div>

<div><strong>Nombre Ítem</strong><i><img src=""></i><span>Cantidad: XX
Caducidad: XX/XX</span></div>

</div><a href="" title="Code by Emme" class="miM96">Emme</a></div>

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"><style>.M96 {width: 400px; margin: auto; padding: 20px;} .M96, .M96 * {transition: .5s; box-sizing: border-box;} .imM96 {margin: 15px 20px 0; width: calc(100% - 40px); border: 1px solid; padding: 5px; border-radius: 10px;} .ttM96 {margin: 10px 20px 0; text-align: center; border: 1px solid #FFF; border-radius: 10px; font: 30px Lato; text-transform: uppercase; overflow: hidden;} .ttM96 strong {display: block; font-size: 10px; color: #333; background: #FFF; padding: 5px; letter-spacing: 5px;} .itM96 > br {display: none;} .itM96 {text-align: center; margin: 5px 0 0; overflow: hidden; transition-delay: .5s !important; line-height: 0;} .itM96 > div {display: inline-block; width: calc(100% / 3 - 20px); vertical-align: top; margin: -125px 5px 5px; border-radius: 10px; height: 120px; perspective: 900px; transform-style: preserve-3d; position: relative; border: 1px solid;} .M96:hover .itM96 > div {margin: 5px 5px 5px;} .itM96:hover {overflow: visible;} .fleM96 {clip-path: polygon(50% 0%, 0% 100%, 100% 100%); height: 10px; width: 50px; background: #FFF; margin: 10px auto; transform: rotate(180deg);} .M96:hover .fleM96 {transform: rotate(0deg);} .itM96 > div:hover {z-index: 10;} .itM96 > div strong {display: block; background: #FFF; color: #333; font: 10px Lato; padding: 5px 0; text-transform: uppercase; border-radius: 8px 8px 0 0;} .itM96 > div i {display: block; position: absolute; top: 57%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%) translateZ(0px); perspective: 200px; transform-style: preserve-3d; width: 100%;} .itM96 > div:hover i{transform: translate(-50%, -50%) translateZ(150px);} .itM96 > div i img {animation: gira 5s linear infinite paused; max-width: 80px; max-height: 50px;} .itM96 > div:hover i img {animation-play-state: running;} @keyframes gira {from {transform: rotateY(0deg);} to {transform: rotateY(360deg);}} .itM96 > div span {background: #FFFD; color: #333; position: absolute; font: 10px Lato; padding: 5px; border-radius: 10px; width: 90%; top: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); opacity: 0;} .itM96 > div:hover span {top: 90%; opacity: 1; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px -5px #ab4e00;} .itM96 > div span::before {background: #FFFD; content: ""; position: absolute; clip-path: polygon(50% 0%, 0% 100%, 100% 100%); width: 20px; height: 5px; top: -5px; left: calc(50% - 10px);} .miM96 {font: 10px/15px Lato !important; display: block; text-align: center; transition: .5s; color: inherit !important; margin: 10px 0 -15px; letter-spacing: 3px;} .miM96:hover {letter-spacing: 5px;}</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 2:42
Mesage to You
Chupa chups pudding bear claw gummies marzipan. Gummies cotton candy biscuit tart fruitcake icing gummi bears. Lollipop danish bonbon. Gummies cotton candy biscuit tart fruitcake icing gummi bears.

<div class="MC4"><div class="inMC4" style="color:#ff6d81;background: #fffcf4;"><strong>Mesage to You<i class="th th-broken-heart"></i></strong><div class="xxMC4"><i class="th th-butterfly"></i> Chupa chups pudding bear claw gummies marzipan. Gummies cotton candy biscuit tart fruitcake icing gummi bears. Lollipop danish bonbon. Gummies cotton candy biscuit tart fruitcake icing gummi bears.
</div><div class="enMC4"><a href="URL" title="¿Dónde llevo?">Registros</a><a href="URL" title="¿Dónde llevo?">Consultas</a></div><a class="miMC3" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a></div></div>

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"><style>.MC4, .MC4 * {box-sizing: border-box;} .MC4 {position: relative; width: 420px; margin: auto; height: 250px; text-align: center;} @keyframes flota {from {top: calc(50% + 5px); box-shadow: 0 15px 5px -10px #0009;} to {top: calc(50% - 5px); box-shadow: 0 25px 5px -15px #0009;}} .inMC4 {width: 400px; padding: 3px; border-radius: 3px; animation: flota 1s infinite alternate; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%);} .inMC4:hover {animation-play-state: paused;} .inMC4 > strong {display: block; padding: 5px; margin-right: 31px; font: bold 15px Arial; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 50px; position: relative; -webkit-text-fill-color: #FFF; text-shadow: 1px 1px #0009; text-align: left;} .inMC4 > strong > i {position: absolute; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 50px; width: 28px; text-align: center; top: 0; left: calc(100% + 3px); font-size: 15px; padding: 7px 0 6px;} .xxMC4 {padding: 20px; text-align: left; font: 12px Arial;} .xxMC4 i {font-size: 40px; float: left; margin: 2px 10px 20px; text-shadow: 1px 1px #0009;} .enMC4 > a {display: inline-block; -webkit-text-fill-color: #FFF; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 50px, 1px 1px #0009; color: inherit !important; padding: 5px 5px 4px 6px; font: bold 11px Arial; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px; margin: 0 5px 10px; text-shadow: 1px 1px #0009;} .enMC4 > a:hover {opacity: .9;} .enMC4 > a:active {box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 50px, -1px -1px #0009;} .miMC3 {font: bold 10px Arial; display: block; text-transform: uppercase; color: inherit !important; letter-spacing: 2px; margin: 10px 0 -20px; transition: .5s;} .miMC3:hover {letter-spacing: 5px;}</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 2:56

¿Trato o Truco?
Cake apple pie ice cream toffee muffin gummies dessert. Gummi bears jelly beans sweet roll ice cream lemon drops sweet roll. Pie pastry sugar plum macaroon tootsie roll sweet oat cake. Gummi bears icing candy chocolate.

Sweet jelly beans carrot cake powder dessert wafer. Dessert marshmallow candy canes cupcake jelly dragée cake. Sweet roll liquorice wafer tootsie roll carrot cake topping tootsie roll candy ice cream.

Toffee jelly topping marzipan chocolate bar fruitcake sugar plum. Marzipan caramels danish. Jelly-o sugar plum cheesecake.

Sweet candy canes oat cake lemon drops lollipop. Fruitcake carrot cake jujubes liquorice tart fruitcake. Muffin halvah apple pie.

Halvah croissant tootsie roll chocolate candy canes. Muffin jelly powder donut. Liquorice marshmallow caramels sugar plum liquorice ice cream.

Título Aquí
Gummi bears icing candy chocolate.

Sweet jelly beans carrot cake powder dessert wafer. Dessert marshmallow candy canes cupcake jelly dragée cake. Sweet roll liquorice wafer tootsie roll carrot cake topping tootsie roll candy ice cream.

Toffee jelly topping marzipan chocolate bar fruitcake sugar plum. Marzipan caramels danish. Jelly-o sugar plum cheesecake.

Sweet candy canes oat cake lemon drops lollipop. Fruitcake carrot cake jujubes liquorice tart fruitcake. Muffin halvah apple pie.

Halvah croissant tootsie roll chocolate candy canes. Muffin jelly powder donut. Liquorice marshmallow caramels sugar plum liquorice ice cream.

Título Aquí
Toffee muffin gummies dessert. Gummi bears jelly beans sweet roll ice cream lemon drops sweet roll. Pie pastry sugar plum macaroon tootsie roll sweet oat cake. Gummi bears icing candy chocolate.

Sweet jelly beans carrot cake powder dessert wafer. Dessert marshmallow candy canes cupcake jelly dragée cake. Sweet roll liquorice wafer tootsie roll carrot cake topping tootsie roll candy ice cream.

Toffee jelly topping marzipan chocolate bar fruitcake sugar plum. Marzipan caramels danish. Jelly-o sugar plum cheesecake.

Sweet candy canes oat cake lemon drops lollipop. Fruitcake carrot cake jujubes liquorice tart fruitcake. Muffin halvah apple pie.

Halvah croissant tootsie roll chocolate candy canes. Muffin jelly powder donut. Liquorice marshmallow caramels sugar plum liquorice ice cream.

Título Aquí
Sweet jelly beans carrot cake powder dessert wafer. Dessert marshmallow candy canes cupcake jelly dragée cake. Sweet roll liquorice wafer tootsie roll carrot cake topping tootsie roll candy ice cream.

Toffee jelly topping marzipan chocolate bar fruitcake sugar plum. Marzipan caramels danish. Jelly-o sugar plum cheesecake.

Sweet candy canes oat cake lemon drops lollipop. Fruitcake carrot cake jujubes liquorice tart fruitcake. Muffin halvah apple pie.

Halvah croissant tootsie roll chocolate candy canes. Muffin jelly powder donut. Liquorice marshmallow caramels sugar plum liquorice ice cream.

Título Aquí
Pie pastry sugar plum macaroon tootsie roll sweet oat cake. Gummi bears icing candy chocolate.

Sweet jelly beans carrot cake powder dessert wafer. Dessert marshmallow candy canes cupcake jelly dragée cake. Sweet roll liquorice wafer tootsie roll carrot cake topping tootsie roll candy ice cream.

Toffee jelly topping marzipan chocolate bar fruitcake sugar plum. Marzipan caramels danish. Jelly-o sugar plum cheesecake.

Sweet candy canes oat cake lemon drops lollipop. Fruitcake carrot cake jujubes liquorice tart fruitcake. Muffin halvah apple pie.

Halvah croissant tootsie roll chocolate candy canes. Muffin jelly powder donut. Liquorice marshmallow caramels sugar plum liquorice ice cream.

Título Aquí
Cake apple pie ice cream toffee muffin gummies dessert. Gummi bears jelly beans sweet roll ice cream lemon drops sweet roll. Pie pastry sugar plum macaroon tootsie roll sweet oat cake. Gummi bears icing candy chocolate.

Sweet jelly beans carrot cake powder dessert wafer. Dessert marshmallow candy canes cupcake jelly dragée cake. Sweet roll liquorice wafer tootsie roll carrot cake topping tootsie roll candy ice cream.

Toffee jelly topping marzipan chocolate bar fruitcake sugar plum. Marzipan caramels danish. Jelly-o sugar plum cheesecake.

Sweet candy canes oat cake lemon drops lollipop. Fruitcake carrot cake jujubes liquorice tart fruitcake. Muffin halvah apple pie.

Halvah croissant tootsie roll chocolate candy canes. Muffin jelly powder donut. Liquorice marshmallow caramels sugar plum liquorice ice cream.


<div class="MG6" style="background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #222 170px, #EEE 170px), url(;"><div class="inMG6">

<input type="radio" name="MG6" id="MG601" checked><label for="MG601"><span class="sf sf-jackolantern-o"></span>boton</label><div class="txtMG6"><span class="sf sf-jackolantern-o"></span><b>¿Trato o Truco?</b><div>Cake apple pie ice cream toffee muffin gummies dessert. Gummi bears jelly<b> beans sweet roll ice cream lemon drops sweet roll</b>. Pie pastry sugar plum macaroon tootsie roll sweet oat cake. Gummi bears icing candy chocolate.

Sweet jelly beans carrot cake powder dessert wafer. Dessert marshmallow candy canes cupcake jelly dragée cake. Sweet roll liquorice wafer tootsie roll carrot cake topping tootsie roll candy ice cream.

Toffee jelly topping marzipan chocolate bar fruitcake sugar plum. Marzipan caramels danish. Jelly-o sugar plum cheesecake.

Sweet candy canes oat cake lemon drops lollipop. Fruitcake carrot cake jujubes liquorice tart fruitcake. Muffin halvah apple pie.

Halvah croissant tootsie roll chocolate candy canes. Muffin jelly powder donut. Liquorice marshmallow caramels sugar plum liquorice ice cream.</div></div>

<input type="radio" name="MG6" id="MG602"><label for="MG602"><span class="sf sf-spider-o"></span>boton</label><div class="txtMG6"><span class="sf sf-spider-o"></span><b>Título Aquí</b><div>Gummi bears icing candy chocolate.

Sweet jelly beans <b>carrot cake powder</b> dessert wafer. Dessert marshmallow candy canes cupcake jelly dragée cake. Sweet roll liquorice wafer tootsie roll carrot cake topping tootsie roll candy ice cream.

Toffee jelly topping marzipan chocolate bar fruitcake sugar plum. Marzipan caramels danish. Jelly-o sugar plum cheesecake.

Sweet candy canes oat cake lemon drops lollipop. Fruitcake carrot cake jujubes liquorice tart fruitcake. Muffin halvah apple pie.

Halvah croissant tootsie roll chocolate candy canes. Muffin jelly powder donut. Liquorice marshmallow caramels sugar plum liquorice ice cream.</div></div>

<input type="radio" name="MG6" id="MG603"><label for="MG603"><span class="sf sf-batman-o"></span>boton</label><div class="txtMG6"><span class="sf sf-batman-o"></span><b>Título Aquí</b><div>Toffee muffin gummies dessert. Gummi bears jelly beans sweet roll ice cream lemon drops sweet roll. Pie pastry sugar plum macaroon tootsie roll sweet oat cake. Gummi bears icing candy chocolate.

Sweet jelly beans carrot cake powder dessert wafer. Dessert marshmallow candy canes cupcake jelly dragée cake. Sweet roll liquorice wafer tootsie roll carrot cake topping tootsie roll candy ice cream.

Toffee jelly topping marzipan chocolate bar fruitcake sugar plum. Marzipan caramels danish. Jelly-o sugar plum cheesecake.

Sweet candy canes oat cake lemon drops lollipop. Fruitcake carrot cake jujubes liquorice tart fruitcake. Muffin halvah apple pie.

Halvah croissant tootsie roll chocolate candy canes. Muffin jelly powder donut. Liquorice marshmallow caramels sugar plum liquorice ice cream.</div></div>

<input type="radio" name="MG6" id="MG604"><label for="MG604"><span class="sf sf-chocolate-o"></span>boton</label><div class="txtMG6"><span class="sf sf-chocolate-o"></span><b>Título Aquí</b><div>Sweet jelly beans carrot cake powder dessert wafer. Dessert marshmallow candy canes cupcake jelly dragée cake. Sweet roll liquorice wafer tootsie roll carrot cake topping tootsie roll candy ice cream.

Toffee jelly topping marzipan chocolate bar fruitcake sugar plum. Marzipan caramels danish. Jelly-o sugar plum cheesecake.

Sweet candy canes oat cake lemon drops lollipop. Fruitcake carrot cake jujubes liquorice tart fruitcake. Muffin halvah apple pie.

Halvah croissant tootsie roll chocolate candy canes. Muffin jelly powder donut. Liquorice marshmallow caramels sugar plum liquorice ice cream.</div></div>

<input type="radio" name="MG6" id="MG605"><label for="MG605"><span class="sf sf-stars-o"></span>boton</label><div class="txtMG6"><span class="sf sf-stars-o"></span><b>Título Aquí</b><div>Pie pastry sugar plum macaroon tootsie roll sweet oat cake. Gummi bears icing candy chocolate.

Sweet jelly beans carrot cake powder dessert wafer. Dessert marshmallow candy canes cupcake jelly dragée cake. Sweet roll liquorice wafer tootsie roll carrot cake topping tootsie roll candy ice cream.

Toffee jelly topping marzipan chocolate bar fruitcake sugar plum. Marzipan caramels danish. Jelly-o sugar plum cheesecake.

Sweet candy canes oat cake lemon drops lollipop. Fruitcake carrot cake jujubes liquorice tart fruitcake. Muffin halvah apple pie.

Halvah croissant tootsie roll chocolate candy canes. Muffin jelly powder donut. Liquorice marshmallow caramels sugar plum liquorice ice cream.</div></div>

<input type="radio" name="MG6" id="MG606"><label for="MG606"><span class="sf sf-skull-1-o"></span>boton</label><div class="txtMG6"><span class="sf sf-skull-1-o"></span><b>Título Aquí</b><div>Cake apple pie ice cream toffee muffin gummies dessert. Gummi bears jelly beans sweet roll ice cream lemon drops sweet roll. Pie pastry sugar plum macaroon tootsie roll sweet oat cake. Gummi bears icing candy chocolate.

Sweet jelly beans carrot cake powder dessert wafer. Dessert marshmallow candy canes cupcake jelly dragée cake. Sweet roll liquorice wafer tootsie roll carrot cake topping tootsie roll candy ice cream.

Toffee jelly topping marzipan chocolate bar fruitcake sugar plum. Marzipan caramels danish. Jelly-o sugar plum cheesecake.

Sweet candy canes oat cake lemon drops lollipop. Fruitcake carrot cake jujubes liquorice tart fruitcake. Muffin halvah apple pie.

Halvah croissant tootsie roll chocolate candy canes. Muffin jelly powder donut. Liquorice marshmallow caramels sugar plum liquorice ice cream.</div></div>

</div></div><a class="miMG6" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a>

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="//" rel="stylesheet"><style>.MG6, .MG6 * {box-sizing: border-box; scrollbar-color: #e96e22 #5d486b; scrollbar-width: thin;} .inMG6 > br {display: none;} .MG6 {width: 500px; margin: auto; padding: 30px; border-radius: 30px; font: 12px Montserrat; color: #555; background-blend-mode: multiply; border: 3px solid #222; text-align: center;} .MG6 input {display: none;} .inMG6 {position: relative; border-radius: 20px; overflow: hidden;} .inMG6 > label {display: block; color: #FFF9; width: 100px; padding: 22px 5px 15px; background: #5d486b; position: relative; z-index: 5; cursor: pointer; height: 88px;} .inMG6 > label:nth-of-type(odd) {background: #e96e22;} .inMG6 > label span {display: block; font-size: 30px;} .txtMG6 {position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; left: 100px; background: #FFF; border: 3px solid #e96e22; border-radius: 0 21px 21px 0; display: none; overflow: hidden;} .inMG6 input:checked + label {width: 123px; clip-path: polygon(0 0, calc(100% - 20px) 0, 100% 50%, calc(100% - 20px) 100%, 0 100%); color: #FFF; padding-right: 28px;} .inMG6 input:checked + label + div {display: block;} .txtMG6 > span {display: block; font-size: 100px; margin: 30px 0 -50px; -webkit-text-stroke: 3px #e96e2299; color: #FFF;} .txtMG6:nth-of-type(even) > span {-webkit-text-stroke: 3px #5d486b99;} .txtMG6:nth-of-type(even) {border: 3px solid #5d486b;} .txtMG6 > b {display: block; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; color: #111; font-size: 14px; text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #FFF, 2px -2px 2px #FFF, -2px 2px 2px #FFF, -2px -2px 2px #FFF;} .txtMG6 > div {margin: 65px 35px; text-align: justify; hyphens: auto; height: calc(100% - 203px); overflow: auto; padding: 0 5px;} .txtMG6 > div b {color: #e96e22;} .txtMG6:nth-of-type(even) > div b {color: #5d486b;} .miMG6 {display: block; font: 10px arial; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; transition: .5s;} .miMG6:hover {letter-spacing: 10px;} .MG6 div::-webkit-scrollbar {width: 5px !important; height: 5px !important; background: #e96e22 !important;} .MG6 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {background: #5d486b !important;} .MG6 label:first-of-type {border-radius: 30px 0 0 0;} .MG6 label:last-of-type {border-radius: 0 0 0 30px;}</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 2:59

<div class="MH8"><strong>Titulo Aquí</strong>

<div style="background-image: url(;"><a href="URL">Nombre 01</a></div>

<div style="background-image: url(;"><a href="URL">Nombre 02</a></div>

<div style="background-image: url(;"><a href="URL">Nombre 03</a></div>

<div style="background-image: url(;"><a href="URL">Nombre 04</a></div>

<div style="background-image: url(;"><a href="URL">Nombre 05</a></div>

<div style="background-image: url(;"><a href="URL">Nombre 06</a></div>

</div><a class="miMH8" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a>

<link href="|PT+Sans&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><style>.MH8, .MH8 * {box-sizing: border-box; scrollbar-color: #0006 #0003; scrollbar-width: thin;} .MH8 {border: 1px solid; width: 250px; margin: 10px auto; height: 350px; position: relative; text-align: center; font: 12px PT Sans; overflow: hidden; color: #8d99a0; box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px #FFFD, 0 0 0 6px;} .MH8 > br {display: none;} .MH8 > strong {display: block; font: 24px/50px Big Shoulders Text; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 50px; -webkit-text-fill-color: #FFF; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px;} .MH8 > div {position: absolute; width: 100%; top: 50px; bottom: 0; animation: m-mar 10s linear infinite, m-up 30s linear infinite; animation-delay: -5s; left: 100%; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-left: 1px solid;} @keyframes m-mar {from {left: 100%;} to {left: -100%;}} .MH8 > div:nth-of-type(2) {animation-delay: 0s, 0s;} .MH8 > div:nth-of-type(3) {animation-delay: 5s;} .MH8 > div:nth-of-type(4) {animation-delay: 10s;} .MH8 > div:nth-of-type(5) {animation-delay: 15s;} .MH8 > div:nth-of-type(6) {animation-delay: 20s;} @keyframes m-up {0% {z-index: 10;} 20% {z-index: 10;} 100% {z-index: 0;}} .MH8:hover > div {animation-play-state: paused;} .MH8 > div:before {content:""; border: 1px solid #FFF; position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 15px; right: 15px; top: 15px; bottom: 15px; box-shadow: 0 0 15px, inset 0 0 15px, 0 0 0 15px #FFF7;} .MH8 > div > a {position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 3px; top: 30px; transition: .3s; color: #FFF; text-shadow: 1px 1px #8d99a0, -1px 1px #8d99a0, 1px -1px #8d99a0, -1px -1px #8d99a0, 0 0 5px #8d99a0; text-transform: uppercase;} .MH8 > div > a:hover {letter-spacing: 4px} .MH8 > div:nth-of-type(even) > a {top: unset; bottom: 30px;} .miMH8 {display: block; font: 10px arial; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; transition: .5s;} .miMH8:hover {letter-spacing: 10px;}</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 3:00
Candy candy tootsie roll pastry gummies halvah sweet. Croissant candy chocolate cake. Croissant cake marzipan candy apple pie pudding tootsie roll cake bonbon.

Halvah marzipan chocolate cake chocolate cake. Ice cream icing bonbon jelly-o pastry gummi bears. Oat cake icing marzipan danish pie chocolate bar.

Halvah sweet roll soufflé bonbon brownie donut ice cream cupcake macaroon. Chocolate toffee biscuit pastry tootsie roll marshmallow donut chocolate cake pie. Pastry marzipan bonbon chupa chups.

Toffee tart danish chocolate bar chupa chups. Soufflé toffee dragée muffin pudding apple pie candy cupcake. Liquorice pastry bonbon bonbon.

Croissant pudding candy tart. Lollipop lollipop macaroon sugar plum bear claw. Sweet halvah topping dessert.
Título Aquí

<div class="MH6"><div class="inMH6"><div class="txtMH6"><div class="imgMH6" style="background-image: url("></div><div class="xxMH6">Candy candy tootsie roll pastry gummies halvah sweet. Croissant candy chocolate cake. Croissant cake marzipan candy apple pie pudding tootsie roll cake bonbon.

Halvah marzipan chocolate cake chocolate cake. Ice cream icing bonbon jelly-o pastry gummi bears. Oat cake icing marzipan danish pie chocolate bar.

Halvah sweet roll soufflé bonbon brownie donut ice cream cupcake macaroon. Chocolate toffee biscuit pastry tootsie roll marshmallow donut chocolate cake pie. Pastry marzipan bonbon chupa chups.

Toffee tart danish chocolate bar chupa chups. Soufflé toffee dragée muffin pudding apple pie candy cupcake. Liquorice pastry bonbon bonbon.

Croissant pudding candy tart. Lollipop lollipop macaroon sugar plum bear claw. Sweet halvah topping dessert.</div><strong>Título Aquí</strong></div></div></div><a class="miMH6" href="" title="Code by Emme">Emme</a>

<link href="|Yeon+Sung&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><style>.MH6, .MH6 * {box-sizing: border-box; scrollbar-color: #0006 #0003; scrollbar-width: thin;} .MH6 {width: 400px; margin: auto; font: 12px Nunito;} .MH6::before, .MH6::after, .inMH6 {background-color: #111; background-image: url(; background-blend-mode: screen;} .MH6::before, .MH6::after {content: ""; -webkit-mask-size: 100% 100%; display: block;} .MH6::before {-webkit-mask-image: url(; height: 80px;} .MH6::after {-webkit-mask-image: url(; height: 50px;} .inMH6 {padding: 40px; text-align: center; color: #999;} .txtMH6 {border: 1px solid #444; padding: 20px; position: relative; background: #1119;} .imgMH6 {width: 70px; height: 70px; margin: -57px auto 0; border: 1px solid #444; border-radius: 50%; background-position: center; background-size: cover; padding: 5px; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 5px #111; background-clip: content-box;} .txtMH6 > strong {font: 20px Yeon Sung; display: block; margin: 30px 0 -32px; text-shadow: 1px 1px #111, -1px 1px #111, 1px -1px #111, -1px -1px #111, 0 0 5px #111, 0 0 10px #111; letter-spacing: 2px;} .xxMH6 {text-align: justify; margin: 10px 20px 20px; hyphens: auto; max-height: 300px; overflow: auto; padding-right; 3px;} .miMH6 {display: block; font: 10px arial; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; transition: .5s; margin: -25px 0 30px;} .miMH6:hover {letter-spacing: 10px;} .MH6 div::-webkit-scrollbar {width: 5px !important; height: 5px !important; background: #0006 !important;} .MH6 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {background: #0003 !important;}</style>
Messages : 201
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2015

Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

Dim 9 Mai - 3:01
Título Aquí
subtitulo, frase, información, etc.
Taco cat backwards spells taco cat weigh eight pounds but take up a full-size bed nap all day. Cats woo nap all day, but sleep swat turds around the house. Small kitty warm kitty little balls of fur bleghbleghvomit my furball really tie the room together the door is opening! how exciting oh, it's you, meh, for meowing non stop for food freak human out make funny noise mow mow mow mow mow mow success now attack human.

Lick face hiss at owner, pee a lot, and meow repeatedly scratch at fence purrrrrr eat muffins and poutine until owner comes back make meme, make cute face, yet push your water glass on the floor. Knock over christmas tree pet me pet me pet me pet me, bite, scratch, why are you petting me. Sweet beast weigh eight pounds but take up a full-size bed.

Touch water with paw then recoil in horror reward the chosen human with a slow blink. Jump launch to pounce upon little yarn mouse, bare fangs at toy run hide in litter box until treats are fed ignore the human until she needs to get up, then climb on her lap and sprawl chase mice hide head under blanket so no one can see, but poop on floor and watch human clean up. Purrr purr littel cat, little cat purr purr i'm going to lap some water out of my master's cup meow throw down all the stuff in the kitchen or i cry and cry and cry unless you pet me, and then maybe i cry just for fun scratch my tummy actually i hate you now fight me, cuddle no cuddle cuddle love scratch scratch.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Lick face hiss at owner, pee a lot, and meow repeatedly scratch at fence purrrrrr eat muffins.Nombre Apellido

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.Nombre Apellido

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

Nombre ApellidoMiniTitu: Descripción.

code by EMME

<div class="aaCATO"><img class="imCATO" src=""><div class="coCATO"><div class="ttCATO">Título Aquí</div><div class="ssCATO">subtitulo, frase, información, etc.</div><div class="xxCATO">Taco cat backwards spells taco cat weigh eight pounds but take up a full-size bed nap all day. Cats woo nap all day, but sleep swat turds around the house. Small kitty warm kitty little balls of fur bleghbleghvomit my furball really tie the room together the door is opening! how exciting oh, it's you, meh, for meowing non stop for food freak human out make funny noise mow mow mow mow mow mow success now attack human.

Lick face hiss at owner, pee a lot, and meow repeatedly scratch at fence purrrrrr eat muffins and poutine until owner comes back make meme, make cute face, yet push your water glass on the floor. Knock over christmas tree pet me pet me pet me pet me, bite, scratch, why are you petting me. Sweet beast weigh eight pounds but take up a full-size bed.

Touch water with paw then recoil in horror reward the chosen human with a slow blink. Jump launch to pounce upon little yarn mouse, bare fangs at toy run hide in litter box until treats are fed ignore the human until she needs to get up, then climb on her lap and sprawl chase mice hide head under blanket so no one can see, but poop on floor and watch human clean up. Purrr purr littel cat, little cat purr purr i'm going to lap some water out of my master's cup meow throw down all the stuff in the kitchen or i cry and cry and cry unless you pet me, and then maybe i cry just for fun scratch my tummy actually i hate you now fight me, cuddle no cuddle cuddle love scratch scratch. </div></div></div><div class="CATO"><center style="width: 1100px;">

<div class="inCATO aa">
<div><img src=""><span class="nnCATO">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Lick face hiss at owner, pee a lot, and meow repeatedly scratch at fence purrrrrr eat muffins.</strong></span><more><img src=""><span>Nombre Apellido</strong></more></div>


<div class="inCATO" style="width: 100%;">
<div style="width: 50%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>
<div style="width: 50%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>


<div class="inCATO" style="width: 50%;">
<div style="width: 50%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>
<div style="width: 50%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>

<div class="inCATO" style="width: 50%;">
<div style="width: 33.33%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span><more><img src=""><span>Nombre Apellido</strong></more></div>
<div style="width: 33.33%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>
<div style="width: 33.33%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>


<div class="inCATO" style="width: 25%;">
<div style="width: 50%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO no">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>
<div style="width: 50%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO no">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>

<div class="inCATO" style="width: 25%;">
<div style="width: 50%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO no">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>
<div style="width: 50%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>

<div class="inCATO" style="width: 16.66%;">
<div style="width: 100%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO no">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>

<div class="inCATO" style="width: 16.66%;">
<div style="width: 100%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO no">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>

<div class="inCATO" style="width: 16.66%;">
<div style="width: 50%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO no">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>
<div style="width: 50%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO no">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>


<div class="inCATO" style="width: 37.5%;">

<div class="inCATO" style="width: 12.5%;">
<div style="width: 50%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO no">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>
<div style="width: 50%;"><img src=""><span class="nnCATO no">Nombre Apellido<strong><b>MiniTitu:</b> Descripción.</strong></span></div>

<div class="inCATO" style="width: 50%;">

</center></div><a class="miCATO" href="">code by EMME</a>

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Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main Empty Re: Feuille de rp - test garder sous la main

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